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PARTLY FACETIOUS: The name ‘Donald’ evokes some memories

21 Nov, 2023

“Nawaz Sharif was visited by Ambassador Donald…” “You have to be more specific.” “Sorry?’ “The name Donald evokes some memories – pleasant for some not so pleasant for others….”

“Don’t be facetious. Besides I was going to give the Ambassador’s full name and you didn’t let me finish, Donald Blome….”

“But as you well know Nawaz Sharif is not a detail-man, and besides he has been away from the country for over four years so all he heard was Ambassador Donald was coming for a visit and he thought it was Donald Lu…”

“Dear Lord, stop. He is going to be the next prime minister and he doesn’t forgive or forget.”

“I thought he has and…”

“He may be convinced not to speak about it but in his heart of hearts…”

“Right anyway past precedence must tell you that whenever Nawaz Sharif is Plan A it’s always for a very short period of time and…”

“As Julius Caesar was warned, I warn you, beware the Ides of March.”

“Well you have to learn to adapt to our history – Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March but in the Land of the Pure it’s the Ides of May – 9 May and then don’t forget the 12 May when Musharraf and the MQM….”

“Hmmm and now Nawaz Sharif and a rejuvenated MQM.”

“Except during Musharraf’s time the MQM had the capacity to get seats and now…”

“Right anyway going back to Nawaz Sharif I heard when he heard Ambassador Donald Blome was coming for a visit he considered conferring Nishan-e-Pakistan and asked Kakar to…”

“Stop it.”


“Kakar was unavailable yesterday – he was busy congratulating the Aussie team and I read somewhere that he said better luck next time to the Indians.”

“What does Kakar sahib know about cricket?”

“Hey back off – they are all technocrats of the highest standards so back off now.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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