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JUI-F’s Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s meeting with Hamas leaders

The recent meeting between Maulana Fazlur Rehman – leader of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) and senior Hamas leaders...
22 Nov, 2023

The recent meeting between Maulana Fazlur Rehman – leader of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) and senior Hamas leaders in Qatar amid the ongoing Gaza conflict should not come as a surprise or concern to many in Pakistan.

Earlier this month, it was reported that Rehman held meetings with Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh and former chief Khaled Mashal, and other Hamas leaders, in which the issue of Palestine was discussed in detail.

Rehman stated that said that the hands of the leaders of developed countries are stained with the blood of innocent children and women of Gaza and it is high time for the Muslim Ummah to stand practically alongside their besieged Palestinian brothers.

The JUI-F and Hamas have had a long-standing association, which renders it not uncommon for them to meet and greet each other on matters of mutual interest regarding the issue of Palestine.

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In the wake of Israel’s attacks on Gaza, the JUI-F has emerged as the only major religious party in Pakistan that has consistently organised rallies to condemn these actions.

Furthermore, they have also invited Hamas leaders to speak at their events, highlighting their support for the Palestinian cause in harmony with the group’s actions.

It is worth noting that the JUI-F has often utilised the issue of freedom for Al Aqsa Mosque in its political rhetoric to maintain its own relevance in Pakistani politics.

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By actively protesting against Israeli aggression, they are able to tap into sentiments shared by a significant portion of the population.

By extending this effort, Rehman aims to not only boost the party’s religious credentials, but tap young supporter’s passions while also strengthening their support base at grassroots levels.

Additionally, this move could potentially attract more student enrollment at JUI-F seminaries.

The presence of such high-profile meetings and engagement with Hamas leaders at a crucial time can create a sense of importance and relevance for these institutions, further enhancing their appeal among prospective students.

However, it is important to note that while JUI-F expressed their commitment to stand alongside Hamas during this challenging situation, there were no concrete offerings or tangible solutions discussed during the meeting.

Seemingly, during the meeting between JUI-F leadership and Hamas, there was no potential discussion on how the group could possibly offer assistance. This is driven by the fact that JUI-F leadership understands the complexity of the situation and its own limitations in Pakistan.

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The two sides may have potentially discussed the possibility of JUI-F launching protests or launching a campaign against Pakistan’s policy over the Gaza conflict.

However, since JUI-F leadership’s return to Pakistan from Qatar, we have not seen any evidence that might show that the party plans to initiate any such protest campaigns in Pakistan.

In fact, they have all remained remarkably quiet for around three weeks now.

It is important to note that during these past three weeks, the party has been actively engaged in several meetings regarding the upcoming elections in Pakistan. It appears that JUI-F is more focused on its domestic political goals and potential alliances rather than solely concentrating on matters related to Palestine or Hamas.

This leads us to consider that JUI-F may have already achieved its objective of igniting voters around the Gaza issue. By raising awareness and rallying support for Palestine, they may have successfully garnered attention and support from their constituents. As a result, their current silence could be an indication of shifting priorities towards local political agendas.

Understandingly, Fazal has tried to strike a balance in his approach after returning from Qatar. While meeting with Hamas leaders may serve certain objectives for the party, he must also take into account the wider picture and fallout if he follows through on his commitments to the organization.

This could imply that their support for Palestine may be more rhetoric than actual policy.

This may be because political survival within Pakistan remains a top priority for the JUI-F leadership. As such, they may be cautious about antagonising influential players whom they look up to, such as Saudi Arabia and the military.

This understanding of political dynamics could explain their reluctance to openly challenge certain positions, such as protest movements or a march towards the US embassy.

The JUI-F leadership’s future approach towards the Gaza issue will likely be driven by strategic considerations.

While they may touch upon the issue tactically to appease their electorate or draw attention from voters close to election periods, it is unlikely that they will take to the streets.

The article does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Business Recorder or its owners

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