Traders decry hike in KMC shop rent

09 Dec, 2023

KARACHI: The traders affected by 150 percent increase in shops of the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) on Friday announced a protest in front of the Mayor's Office.

Speaking at a demonstration outside the KMC head office, the traders’ representatives threatened to stage a sit-in with their families in front of the mayor's office if the raise in rent of KMC shops was not reversed.

The traders said that merchants have already been facing the brunt of financial difficulties, which has even led to some to resort to suicide. They called on the mayor and other officials to address their concerns.

Mahmood Hamid, the President of All Pakistan Small Traders and Cotton Industry, Karachi Chapter, criticised the mayor for the rent increase. He questioned how the elected mayor could implement a 150 percent rent increase when the law prohibits the raise by more than 10 percent. He warned that the traders' would intensify protests if the mayor continued on this path.

He conveyed that the traders have initiated a peaceful protest, allowing traffic to flow, but vowed to escalate their movement if their demands were not met.

He acknowledged the support and leadership of the late Siraj Qasim Teli, paying tribute to him for his efforts for the cause of small traders. Mehmood also urged the KCCI to help the affected traders without further delays.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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