NUST confers Honorary Doctorate on Bakir Izetbegovic

11 Oct, 2012

In recognition of his meritorious trans-national services and rare leadership Honourary Doctorate of Philosophy Degree by National University of Sciences and Technology is conferred on Chairman Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bakir Izetbegovic here on Wednesday.
Chancellor NUST, Prime Minister of Pakistan Raja Pervez Ashraf accompanied by the foreign dignitary along with a large number of government functionaries, luminaries, senior management of NUST, scholars and the university students were present on the occasion of Special Convocation Ceremony.
By virtue of his leadership qualities, President Bakir Izetbegovi? stands tall among world leaders. It is the fruit of his relentless contribution, both as the Chairman and as a Member of Presidency, that Bosnia now is recognised as a leader towards restoring world peace. Under his sagacious leadership, Bosnia is embarked on a fast-paced economic development and is attracting vast scale investments from foreign economies.
President Bakir Izetbegovic expressed heartiest gratitude to Chancellor NUST, Prime Minister of Pakistan Raja Pervez Ashraf, Rector NUST, Engr Muhammad Asghar and all others for having bestowed upon him a great honour. He said that Pakistan-Bosnia bond is unique in many ways and there is a history of close government-to-government as well as people-to-people co-operation behind its firm foundation and growth.
On the occasion, Raja Parvez Ashraf said that the level of goodwill between the peoples is very high and they would jointly keep pursuing the common objective of regional and global peace at international fora. He said that the existing co-operation level needed to multiply, which could only be achieved through extended collaborations in numerous fields ranging from trade to education. Rector NUST said that they are thrilled that His Excellency would be joining the NUST family by receiving the Honourary Ph.D. Degree.--PR

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