PARTLY FACETIOUS: The iconic ‘bat’ symbol

17 Jan, 2024

“So a review petition in the Supreme Court on taking away the bat symbol.” “Yep, and that reminds me what is good for the goose can also be good for the gander.”

“Oh, for Pete’s sake, I am sick of your cryptic remarks.”

“The first beneficiary of the right to appeal a decision by the Supreme Court was the goose and now the gander who, needless to add, was not under consideration at the time of the passage of this law, that correct me if I am wrong, was opposed by the gander’s team and….”

“That’s right, but Nawaz Sharif is no goose…”

“If it honks like a goose and walks like a goose, then it is a goose.”

“All I know about this species is that I heard or did I read it somewhere that they are extremely territorial, and our law enforcement used geese in the past to warn the guards if anyone approached, I vaguely recollect that when Z A Bhutto was in jail geese were visible and…”

“No more my friend, today the sophisticated…”

“Check mate social media.”

“I am not going to respond to that anyway, for the appeal I would like to place 17 (2) of our constitution in front of the judiciary: every citizen shall have the right to form

associations or unions

subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed

by law in the interest of sovereignty or integrity of Pakistan, public order

or morality.“

“Depends on how you define reasonable and morality, I guess.”

“We are not a nation that ever focuses on definitions, we are…”

“And secondly, I would like to submit the following judgment in the Benazir Bhutto vs. Federation of Pakistan (PLD 1989 SC 66) case heard by an 11-member bench, a case reference submitted to the Peshawar High Court by the PTI lawyers and I will reproduce it: “The term election is a comprehensive term and includes all the stages of the election commencing from the calling of the electorate to vote until the declaration and notification of the final result. Obviously, casting of votes for the candidates is the most important stage in the process of elections. Now, while Rule-9 of the Rules permits a political party to obtain a symbol to facilitate the voter to identify a party candidate, section 21 of the Act omits to recognize this right. But this Court has found that elections may be held on party basis in every constituency by virtue of the Fundamental Right conferred on the citizens of this country by Article 17(2) of the Constitution. Thus, an inconsistency exists between Section 21 of the Act and the Fundamental Right aforesaid. Section 21, as it now stands, is neither cognizant of the existence of political parties nor accords any recognition to them. Indeed, the failure therein to make any provision for allocation of any symbol to a political party, which alone can enable it to effectively participate in the process of elections, renders nugatory the right to form a political party and accomplish its objectives, namely, to organize and fight an election with a view to capturing political power. Accordingly, Section 2l is vocative of the Fundamental Right contained in Article 17(2) and is void to the extent indicated by him. The petition, accordingly, must succeed.”

“Oooopsy, daisy!”

“Indeed, you want to go down in history, you have to have a backbone.”

“In the case of our finance ministers, a backbone.”

“I would rather they act like a pogo stick or trampoline with a capacity to bounce back…”

“Define bounce back?”


“In your dreams.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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