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(AGEGA)-Federal holds protest demo at MoF and MoH

19 Jan, 2024

ISLAMABAD: The All Government Employees Grand Alliance (AGEGA)-Federal protested outside the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Housing on Thursday.

The protest was attended by the leaders of all the small and big organisations and associations involved in AGEGA Federal, along with the employees of the Secretariat.

The members of the Federal Secretariat Employees' Corps Committee hosted the event which was led by Rehman Ali Bajwa, chief coordinator AGEGA Pakistan.

Bajwa criticised the so-called reforms, hostile to employees, pension reforms, leave encashment census, non-payment of arrears of employees, changes in housing rules of federal employees, and abolition of 15-2B.

He warned the government that if there is an attempt to snatch the rights of the employees, there will be a strong reaction from AGEGA's platform. Which can also be in the form of sit-ins and locking of offices, he added.

Bajwa described the process of privatization of various departments as harmful to the country, adding instead of privatizing the departments, steps should be taken to improve management.

Bajwa urged the government to increase the Pay and Pension Commission to increase the disparity reduction allowance by 70 percent and medical, conveyance and house allowances by 100 percent.

Bajwa demanded from the government that despite the issuance of clear orders for the regularisation of the employees, those departments which have not yet regularised the employees should be obliged to regularise the employees soon and remedy the deprivation found among the employees.

A clear message has been given to the Ministry of Housing that if instead of giving relief to the employees, they try to recognise the loss under the proposed law, then the government employees will boycott the elections to be held in 2024. He said that all our employees are united on one platform and will defend their legitimate and constitutional rights in any case while remaining peaceful.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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