LAHORE: The Lahore High Court on Friday directed the returning officer (RO) of NA-64 and PP-32 Gujrat to decide an application of Qaisera Elahi, wife of PTI president Pervaiz Elahi, seeking election symbol of peacock for contesting election scheduled on February 08.
The petitioner contended that the RO refused to entertain an application to allot her peacock as election symbol for both the constituencies. She pointed out that no other candidate in the constituencies had been allocated the electoral symbol of peacock.
She asked the court to order the ECP to allow her application and allocate the peacock as her electoral symbol. The court disposed of the petition and directed the RO to decide the application of the petitioner strictly in accordance with law.
The court also directed the RO of NA-128, Lahore, to decide an application of Irfan Ali Shah seeking electoral symbol of gun instead of radio. The court, however, dismissed similar petitions of Hammad Ali from PP-151 and Samiullah from PP-101 for being filed beyond the time limit.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2024