Expats in US can utilise DFC, IFC to scale up investments in Pakistan: envoy

24 Feb, 2024

Pakistan’s Ambassador to United States, Masood Khan, said Pakistani Americans can utilise the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and International Finance Corporation (IFC) for scaling up their investments in Pakistan.

The Pakistani envoy made these remarks during a virtual meeting with business leaders heading various chambers and business entities in Houston, California, and other parts of the United States, read a statement released by the Press Information Department (PID) on Saturday.

“The Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) has transformed the investment landscape of Pakistan with speedy approvals, smooth execution of projects and guaranteed returns,” said Masood.

“We have chosen IT, agriculture, alternate energy and extractive industries as the priority areas for investment,” he said, while encouraging Pakistani-US nationals to take advantage of SIFC.

Masood for more Pak-US linkages in education, research, technology

Highlighting opportunities in the four priority sectors for investment, Khan said Pakistani Americans could utilise the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and International Finance Corporation for scaling up their investments in IT, renewable and alternate energy, agriculture and extractive industries in Pakistan.

“Invest in Pakistan with full confidence. Your trust in Pakistan would encourage your counterparts in US to choose Pakistan as their preferred investment destination,” he said.

Initiated under the leadership of then prime minister, Shehbaz Sharif, SIFC aims to entice foreign investments and stimulate Pakistan’s economic growth.

Addressing the participants at the virtual meeting, CEO of Ka’aba Fusion Dr Sohail Masood, pioneer in the Home Infusion Industry, informed that his company has also established an office back in Pakistan to create job opportunities for Pakistani professionals in healthcare.

Pakistan to be world investment destination after SIFC

“Ka’aba Fusion was also in the process of introducing home infusion services in Pakistan which would provide quality healthcare to the people at their doorstep and would open up huge job opportunities for healthcare workers and professionals,” he added.

Director Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited (PSX) Ahmed Chinoy highlighted new and existing business opportunities in Pakistan, especially highlighting the returns on treasury bills and Roshan Digital Accounts (RDAs).

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