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PARTLY FACETIOUS: Dar’s suits and his ties

23 Mar, 2024

“One can learn lessons from one’s predecessors.” “Agreed. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif (SS) invited the Moustached Kakar (MK)…”

“Yes he did - both sport a moustache, though I noticed a difference – while SS’s moustache was sedentary, MK’s moustache was pulsating, almost as if it had a life of its own.”

“Right with good reason anyway, MK sports a toothbrush moustache, same as Charlie Chaplin and Hitler. So who was the spiritual guide - “Chaplin, Hitler or… or SS?”

“I hope this is moustache specific and not an oblique reference to any other commonality between the two men.”

“Absolutely, anyway, I reckon the Prime Minister is the only one willing to invite his predecessor to a meeting.”

“What about the finance minister? Is he looking at his caretaker counterpart?”

“I don’t think so, yes he is praising the holding of the fort by the caretaker, but his statements reflect support for all measures dating back to… I don’t know, let me take a date arbitrarily – on 20 June 2023.”

“The Special Investment Facilitation…”

“I said arbitrary, why can’t you take my word for it.”

“Arbitrary or selective?”

“Don’t know, but an example may provide an answer. The Man Who Shall Remain Nameless is taking the word of Donald Lu with respect to 8 February elections and the PML-N on his claims about the cipher.”

“Got it anyway, I would urge the Foreign Minister to do the opposite, learn from his successor.”

“Don’t understand - there is no successor to Ishaq Dar as foreign minister.”

“I was referring to the Ministry Dar occupied previously – Finance.”

“I don’t get it.”

“Well, do you agree that Dar needs new clothes, they are dated…”

“Sadly he has done another Dar - instead of buying new clothes he has decided to lose the considerable weight gain especially around the gut so he can refit into his trousers.”

“Is that why he never got the Ministry of Finance? The current as opposed to previous stakeholders are all slim and can’t stomach fat people.”

“Nawaz Sharif is not slim.”

“True, but the jury is out whether he is a stakeholder right and if so then for how long!”

“Hmmmm anyway, I was not referring to Dar’s suits but to his ties. Does he not know that the wide length ties went out of fashion…why when he slithered off to UK in 2017 while the incumbent Finance Minister wears the right width ties…”

“Stop it – this would be like putting salt on a massively bleeding wound.”

“Some wounds…”

“Don’t be cruel.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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