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PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘A non-Muslim can come up with a wise proverb’

21 May, 2024

“Gautama Buddha is credited with a wise saying, do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”

“I know for a fact that The Two Samdhis will reject this out of hand.”

“I guess you are referring to Nawaz Sharif’s speech to the diwan-i-khass (the chamber of the specials)…”

“Those dratted diwan-i-aam (chamber of the shall we say general trash) - did not come out on the streets to take him back to the Prime Minister’s House in 2017 as in the case of Erdogan of Turkey and…”

“Doesn’t the guy know that he was ousted through a court decision and while the court decision was extremely flawed yet he and his offspring have yet to provide actual proof of the source of their untold wealth while Erdogan faced a coup; besides why ain’t he talking about the ignominious defeat of February 2024.”

“You know as you age, events that took place a long time ago are remembered and the more recent ones forgotten.”

“Right his counterparty, Greedy for Portfolios Samdhi (GPS), was seated next to the incumbent Prime Minister’s without portfolio son Hamza; so you reckon that shows a change of status?”

“Nah GPS is doing pretty much what he has always done: get as many portfolios as possible, hog the limelight by holding press conference though inanely citing the Kyrgyz foreign minister’s version rather than relying on information given by our ambassador there and…and…wait sending off a minion, Musaddak Malik (MM) to the airport to welcome the students.”

“As they say about M&Ms in a US advertisement– melts in your mouth not in your hands.”

“Be respectful, anyway The Two Samdhis would reject it because Buddha was not Muslim…””

“But surely on occasion a non-Muslim can come up with a wise proverb.”

“I will ignore that comment as it merits anyway Emily Dickinson said I dwell in possibility and Nawaz Sharif’s party at present is dwelling in possibility because the probability of forming a government was a challenge after the results of February elections and…”

“Right and George Bernard Shaw said that Man can climb the highest summits but he cannot dwell there long.”

“GPS has been notified as deputy prime minister for the first time in his life so the climb is on, and Nawaz Sharif is taking back control of the party and let’s see!”

“I wasn’t aware control was not in his hands. Anyway let’s see how many more seats he can lose!”

“Stop, all these trips with Notification Maryam Nawaz to tandoors and children’s wards and other savory locations….”

“Savory indeed, I hear the tea and biscuits provided to father and daughter are from the best bakeries in Lahore and…”


Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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