Site association concerned at water shortage

20 Oct, 2012

Dr Arshad A. Vohra, Chairman, Site Association of Industry has expressed concern on precarious water supply position in area because of less supply of water from KW&SB to Site Ltd, which has two direct connection and was supposed to receive 8 MGD water on daily basis, is not getting this much water.
Supply has been curtailed and that is also with low pressure as a result of which the industries are getting meager supply of water through tankers. Now the position has become worst for the last 3 days because of closure of water hydrants and strike of water tankers the factories are on the verge of closure. Due to shortage of water, all industries including export oriented industries are not getting water and are suffering huge losses and facing non-fulfilment of export orders due to which their reputation is on stake.
In this age of international competition, the cost of production, which is already higher than our regional competitors, increases many fold if the industries buy water from the tanker mafia which is also not available for the last 3 days. Dr Vohra has already informed Managing Director of Sindh Industrial Trading Estates Ltd and Managing Director, KW&SB on this topic. The water trickles in the lines at factories at very low pressure, due to which the industrialists of SITE Karachi are agitating and demanding the requisite quantity of water so that industrial production may not suffer.-PR

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