PARTLY FACETIOUS: Maneka’s claim

“I hear Greedy for Portfolios Samdhi (GPS) has his heart set on it.” “He ain’t getting the Finance Ministry...
31 May, 2024

“I hear Greedy for Portfolios Samdhi (GPS) has his heart set on it.”

“He ain’t getting the Finance Ministry even if his counterpart Samdhi successfully got the incumbent to attend his crowning ceremony.”

“Did he do a Caesar?”

“Excuse me?”

“Was he offered the crown thrice and thrice did he refuse?”

“Don’t be stupid, and I will have you know he retained the crown de jure for otherwise GPS would not have been allowed to accumulate the portfolios…”

“Look at the glass as half full – GPS at least won’t be able to destroy what little he left of the economy, anyway counterpart Samdhi wanted to be the de facto president even though there is not a single iqamaless Pakistani who thinks he was ever not the decision maker.”

“Hmmm, anyway GPS has his heart set on the same portfolio as the Man Who Shall Remain Nameless coveted and…”

“Perhaps that’s what we need – a chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board who is in jail and cannot take ill informed decisions.”

“I was not referring to the Man Who Shall as opposed to Must Remain Nameless who incidentally was the best team captain this country ever had and therefore infinitely more qualified to take decisions.”

“Yet he did not take the right decision which was to give up the title of patron in chief as prime minister.”

“And how long would it have taken to reverse that decision!”

“Possibly not as long as the iddat case judgment. I ask you is Maneka the first Pakistani guy to join the ranks of a cuckolded husband?”

“No but he is the first one who…”

“Don’t say it – as Nawaz Sharif said so appropriately in parliament, if he is wealthy then what’s it to anybody else.”

“Mum is the word on the source of his wealth – before iddat, during iddat, after iddat and…”

“Shut up, anyway Maneka’s claim that his ex-wife disavowed all the five children is not accurate is it! I mean didn’t I read somewhere that her daughters met with her in jail?”

“Yeah anyway Maneka was accompanied by an entire team who failed to protect him from being beaten! So not a good judge of hiring people on merit?”

“Don’t be facetious anyway the GPS has his heart set on being the chair of PCB and I hear that his counterpart Samdhi will ask the incumbent Finance Minister to plead his case with the other Selected Independent and if that fails to scale the…”


Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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