ICAP hosts conference

01 Jun, 2024

LAHORE: The Economic Advisory Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) organized Conference 2024 on theme “Driving Economic Change: Working Today for a Greener Tomorrow, “at a local hotel.

Mohammad Zubair, Former Governor of Sindh, was the guest of honor. He emphasized the urgent need for collaborative efforts to address environmental challenges and promote sustainable practices in Pakistan.

He highlighted the roles of the government, private sector, and civil society in driving positive change toward a greener future. His insightful remarks resonated with participants, inspiring them to take action and work towards a more sustainable tomorrow.

Waleed Iqbal, former Member of the Senate, Pakistan, also emphasized the critical importance of adopting sustainable economic practices to effectively combat climate change and ensure a greener future. He highlighted the necessity of aligning economic development with environmental conservation and emphasized the roles of innovation and collaboration in driving meaningful change.

Farrukh Rehman, President of ICAP, highlighted the imperative of driving economic change with a conscientious approach. He emphasized that sustainable and ethical expansion, aligned with the organization’s long-term vision, is paramount for enduring success.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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