US crude output rises in March

02 Jun, 2024

HOUSTON: US crude oil production rose in March to its highest this year, while product supplied fell, data from the Energy Information Administration showed on Friday.

Crude output rose by 0.6% to 13.2 million barrels per day (bpd) in March, the highest since December. Crude volumes from Texas, the top producing state, edged 0.7% higher to 5.6 million bpd in March, its highest since December. Output in New Mexico, the second largest producer, grew by 1.6% to 2 million bpd to its highest on record for a second straight month.

Crude production in North Dakota, however, fell by 2.7% to 1.2 million bpd to its lowest since January. Meanwhile, product supplied, a proxy for demand, fell 0.4% to 19.9 million bpd. Finished motor gasoline supplied rose 3.3% to 8.9 million bpd.

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