Interview with Shoaib Nizami, CEO - Sports in Pakistan (SIP)

‘SIP paves the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for sports in Pakistan’ Shoaib Nizami is an entrepreneur...
03 Jun, 2024

‘SIP paves the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for sports in Pakistan’

Shoaib Nizami is an entrepreneur with a passion for creating opportunities, engaging communities, and promoting sports in his home country. Over the last two decades, he has founded and led multiple ventures in various sectors, ranging from IT and marketing to retail and sports promotion. His journey commenced in 2004 with the founding of Corporits, a software solutions and services company specializing in the financial sector.

In 2015, his love for cycling led him to create Bikestan, a premier cycling equipment retailer. Bikestan offers the latest European cycling gear, catering to both professional athletes and passionate enthusiasts. By providing access to top-of-the-line equipment, they aim to fuel the growth of the cycling community in Pakistan.

He also founded the sports event and promotion agency Sports in Pakistan (SiP). With a primary focus on cycling and distance running, SiP organizes events and manages teams and athletes. SiP has organized numerous events, including national cycling championships (under the aegis of the Pakistan Cycling Federation), duathlon and distance running events as well as community engagement events based around cycling and running. SiP also owns and manages Bikestan Cycling Academy (BCA), a professional cycling team that has been crowned National Champion for three consecutive years. The agency has also sponsored athletes at other international events like IronMan 70.3, Istanbul Marathon, Dubai Marathon, and the Spartan World Championships.

Following are the edited excerpts of a recent conversation BR Research had with Mr. Shoaib Nizami:

BR Research: How do you see the scope of doing business in the field of Sports?

Shoaib Nizami: The sports industry in Pakistan has a huge and quickly expanding business reach. The business potential of the industry is still growing. The sports industry, which includes events, sponsorships, merchandise, television, and athlete management, is a multifaceted industry that earns billions of rupees annually. The sports sector can unite people, encourage healthy living, and stimulate economic growth. Moreover, the sports sector holds a great deal of power.

Pakistan’s large youth population, growing middle class, and increasing interest in sports create a fertile ground for businesses to flourish. With the right investments and partnerships, the sports industry in Pakistan can become a significant contributor to the country’s economy and a source of national pride.

BRR: What inspired you to establish Sports in Pakistan (SIP)?

SN: In Pakistan, cricket is undoubtedly the most popular sport, and as such, it frequently gets the greatest support and funding from sponsors and the government. Nonetheless, I saw the value of promoting other sports and giving individuals in many underrepresented athletic disciplines in Pakistan.

By introducing running and cycling, SIP has tapped into the massive global popularity of these sports, providing a platform for Pakistani athletes to participate and excel in international events like marathons, triathlons, and cycling races. This brings recognition to the country, inspires a new generation of athletes, and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Establishing Sports in Pakistan (SIP) was inspired by the passion for sports and the desire to promote a healthy and active lifestyle among the people of Pakistan. The aim is to provide a platform for athletes, enthusiasts, and businesses to come together, showcase talent, and contribute to the growth of the sports industry in Pakistan. By creating a supportive and inclusive environment for sports, SIP hopes to inspire the next generation of athletes and promote a culture of fitness and wellness in the country.

BRR: So how do you see the sports landscape in Pakistan evolving?

SN: Pakistan has a rich history in sports, with different sports going through periods of peak performance and downfall for a variety of reasons. Still, there is one thing that never changes: Pakistanis’ everlasting love of sports. The future looks bright for the country’s sports scene, which is primed for revolutionary expansion spurred by rising investment, official sponsorship, and a promising middle class. Pakistan is poised to restore its position in sports as the ecosystem continues to change.

Pakistan’s delegation at the 19th Asian Games demonstrated its adaptability by competing in a wide range of sports, including wrestling, boxing, swimming, tennis, and athletics. This was evidence of the country’s revival. This thorough representation not only signals a new age of greatness in Pakistani athletics but also highlights the country’s dedication to sports growth.

BRR: What role does Sports in Pakistan (SIP) aim to play in this evolution?

SN: When the sports landscape in Pakistan was devoid of direction, Sports in Pakistan (SIP) assumed the mantle of responsibility and pioneered flagship events in running and cycling, defying limited resources and budget constraints. Undeterred by the hard journey, SIP remained steadfast in its commitment to promote these sports, surmounting numerous challenges along the way.

As recognition and accolades began to pour in, SIP’s efforts were bolstered by government support and sponsorships, amplifying its impact. The crowning achievement came in January, when SIP successfully executed the inaugural Karachi Marathon, certified by the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS). This landmark event not only put Pakistan on the global marathon map but also testified to SIP’s unwavering dedication and perseverance.

Through its tireless efforts, SIP has not only created a thriving sports ecosystem but has also inspired a new generation of athletes, fostering a culture of fitness and wellness in the country. As a trailblazer in the sports industry, SIP continues to break new ground, paving the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for sports in Pakistan.

BRR: How do you balance the commercial and social aspects of sports development in Pakistan, and what impact do you aim to make in both areas?

SN: By taking a comprehensive strategy that incorporates both social and commercial factors, Sports in Pakistan as a firm strikes a balance in the growth of sports in Pakistan. We think that a sustainable sports industry can only be reached by striking a balance between social impact and commercial success.

From a business perspective, we concentrate on building a successful sports sector through the planning of leagues, competitions, and events that draw sponsors, viewers, and competitors. Along with developing and marketing sports-related goods and services, we also run training programs, sports facilities, and merchandise businesses. We can invest in sports development programs, infrastructure, and talent scouting and development thanks to our commercial success.

From a societal perspective, we acknowledge that sports can change people’s lives, communities, and society. For this reason, Sports in Pakistan is committed to promoting social welfare by partnering with local communities and charitable organizations.

Every October, we organize a Pinktober Run and Ride in multiple cities across Pakistan. The event is aimed at spreading awareness about breast cancer and raising funds for the Shaukat Khanum Hospital, one of Pakistan’s largest cancer hospitals. More recently, the funds have been used for the construction of a Mammography Room at the Shaukat Khanum Hospital.

We have also partnered with the PEBS Hospital in Karachi to organize an awareness run for oral cancer, one of the leading cancers affecting Pakistani men and women. Funds from the event were used for the development of Pakistan’s first and only facility offering free-of-cost surgical treatment for oral cancer.

We aim to make a positive impact in both areas by not only creating a sustainable sports industry that contributes to Pakistan’s economy and provides opportunities for athletes, coaches, and sports professionals, but also promoting sports as a tool for social change, improving health and wellness, and empowering marginalized communities.we also carry out this balance by developing infrastructure and programs that increase access to sports for all, regardless of age, gender, or socio-economic background, and fostering a culture of sportsmanship, fair play, and respect for diversity and inclusion.

BRR: How does Sports in Pakistan (SIP) approach talent development and athlete management, and what initiatives have you undertaken to support Pakistani athletes?

SN: We own and manage Bikestan Cycling Academy (BCA), one of the top cycling teams in the country. BCA has been crowned National Champion at the National Road Cycling Championship for two years. BCA athletes have also represented Pakistan at the UCI Road World Championships.

The first-ever Pakistani women featured at the World Championships, Kanza Malik and Asma Jan, were BCA athletes. A year after their debut, their teammate Maryam Ali became the first Pakistani athlete to feature in the Junior Women category of the World Championships.

Athletes on our roster have represented the country in events such as IronMan 70.3 Dubai, the Istanbul Marathon, the Dubai Marathon, and the Spartan World Championships.

Besides these community engagement initiatives, we are also mindful of the difficulties faced by athletes from lower-income households. Many of these athletes are under contract with us. Apart from their salaries, we bear any costs related to equipment, nutrition, traveling, and accommodation.

BRR: What partnerships has Sports in Pakistan forged, both locally and internationally, to further its objectives and elevate the sports industry in Pakistan?

SN: Sports in Pakistan had forged a significant collaboration with the One Run Half Marathon, becoming the first sports agency to bring this international event to Karachi. This collaboration marks a milestone in the sports industry in Pakistan, as the country joins 104 other cities worldwide to participate in the simultaneous half marathon. This partnership demonstrates Sports in Pakistan’s commitment to elevating the sports industry and promoting international standards of competition in the country.

Key highlights of this partnership include the first-ever One Run Half Marathon in Karachi. Pakistan joins 104 other cities worldwide in this simultaneous event it demonstrates Sports in Pakistan’s commitment to elevating the sports industry and showcases Pakistan’s potential for hosting international sports events

This partnership with One Run Half Marathon is a significant step forward for Sports in Pakistan, and we look forward to seeing the impact it will have on the sports industry in the country.

BRR: Your company has organized several high-profile events, including the Karachi Marathon. What drives your event strategy, and what’s next on the calendar?

SN: Our event strategy at Sports in Pakistan is driven by our passion for promoting sports and fitness in the country. We aim to create events that bring people together, promote a healthy lifestyle, and put Pakistan on the global map.

The Karachi Marathon, certified by AIMS, was a huge success, with over 2000 athletes participating, making it the biggest marathon in Pakistan’s history.

We’re building on this momentum with upcoming events like Run for Pakistan in August, Pinktober in October, Duathlon in December, and the next Karachi Marathon on January 5th, 2025.

Additionally, we’re excited to launch a women’s running program to empower and encourage women to take up running and fitness. Our goal is to make sports and fitness accessible to all and create a vibrant sporting culture in Pakistan.

BRR: What challenges have Sports in Pakistan (SIP) faced in the Pakistani sports landscape, and how have you overcome them?

SN: Sports in Pakistan has faced various challenges in the Pakistani sports landscape, including limited infrastructure, lack of government support, political instability, and limited private sector investment.

To overcome these challenges, the organization has collaborated with international partners, secured private sector investment, developed innovative marketing strategies, focused on grassroots development, and leveraged digital marketing to promote sports in Pakistan.

Through these efforts, Sports in Pakistan (SIP) has successfully organized high-profile events like the Karachi Marathon and continues to promote sports and fitness in the country.

BRR: Where do you see SIP in the next five years, and what legacy do you hope to leave in the Pakistani sports industry?

SN: As we look ahead to the next five years, I envision SIP as a driving force for national pride, economic growth, and social change. We’re poised to become a major player in the global sports industry, with our exports reaching new heights and our athletes making a mark on the international stage.

Our focus on innovation, quality, and grassroots development will create a legacy that goes beyond just winning medals or tournaments. We want to inspire a generation of young Pakistanis to take up sports, not just as a passion, but as a career. We want to create a culture of excellence that permeates every aspect of our society, from education to healthcare to economic development.

In five years, I hope that SIP will be remembered as a catalyst for transformation, a symbol of what can be achieved when talent, hard work, and dedication come together. We want to leave a legacy that makes every Pakistani proud, a legacy that says we’re not just a nation of cricket lovers, but a nation of champions.“

BRR: What is SIP doing on the export front?

SN: SIP is working smartly to promote sports activities and sportsmen in various games. The aim of SIP is to explore local potential through organizing various events within the country and introducing the best-talented athletes to global competition beyond borders. We are working with athletes mainly in the competition of running and cycling for introducing them to global platforms such as the Olympics, Commonwealth Games, Asian Games, and international marathons.

Fortunately, Pakistani athletes are increasingly participating in different games, bringing medals and a good reputation to the country by securing good positions, but we have to increase the participation and victories of our national heroes.

Apart from facilitating local champions on global platforms, we are looking forward in the future to organize sports events of running and cycling in collaboration with partners in different countries, as we have already gained tremendous experience in this field in Pakistan. Our external programs will give us the opportunity to represent Pakistan on a global stage.

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