
05 Jun, 2024

LAHORE: This is aporpos a news item “GEPCO tender: local suppliers ‘knock out’ int’l bidder” carried by the newspaper recently. The news item is not based on facts. The real facts are that both the suppliers M/s Hitachi Energy Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd and M/s Siddique Sons Engineering (Pvt) Ltd are local bidders and none of them is the foreign entity. Both the bidders were quoting Chinese-made circuit breakers.

GEPCO tender: local suppliers ‘knock out’ int’l bidder

However, M/s Siddique Sons Engineering Pvt Ltd was declared commercially and technically responsive in GEPCO tender while M/s Hitachi Energy Pakistan (Pvt) Limited (a local bidder) was declared commercially and technically non-responsive because of less average annual turnover as required in the bidding documents and in addition to this the circuit breaker offered by M/s Hitachi Energy Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd was of three-Leg design while as per NTDC Specification P193:2010 clause 13.1 the circuit breaker shall be of two-leg design.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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