Medical expert says prevalence of hearing loss quite high in Pakistan

05 Jun, 2024

FAISALABAD: First successful bilateral cochlear implant has been conducted in Ganga Ram Hospital. This implant has opened new avenues of treatment for the children suffering from cognitive deafness.

Prof Dr Irshad Malik, Head NET Unit No 1 of Ganga Ram Hospital conducted this implant. He said that the prevalence of deafness is high in Pakistan. He quoted an epidemiological survey conducted in Punjab which showed a prevalence of 20 cases per every 10,000 individuals with consanguinity being a major cause behind it.

He further said that approximately 14.5 million Pakistani individuals have hearing loss and half of these cases may be due to genetics. He said that earlier the cochlear implant facility was not available in this hospital and the first successful implant has been conducted by him.

He said that after this treatment, the children could live a normal life as their hearing and speaking senses could be restored.

Responding to a question, Dr Irshad said that this implant has proved hundred percent successful and now this facility could be available to the all and sundry.

The business community of Faisalabad has welcomed this successful implant and said that this city with a population of 8 million has a public sector medical university in addition to four private medical colleges but there was no facility of even for the repair of damaged ear drum in Faisalabad.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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