Senate seeks report on abduction of 10 people in Harnai district

ISLAMABAD: Seeking report from the provincial government and a paramilitary force over an incident involving the alleged abduction of 10 people from Shaban area of district Harnai in Balochistan, Deputy Chairman Senate Syedaal Khan has said that the practice of abducting innocent people is prevalent across the country, especially in Balochistan.

Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Fazal (JUI-F) Senator Kamran Murtaza, through a point of order, drew attention of the house in its meeting, Friday, towards the alleged abduction of the 10 persons. “No idea who took them. They went to picnic and were abducted. I raised this issue yesterday too. Please, issue a directive, at least, so that precious lives can be saved,” he urged the deputy chairman, who was presiding over the Senate session.

“The federal forces are also involved in that area,” Murtaza said.

The deputy chairman, who also hails from Balochistan, noted with concern that the practice of abducting innocent people was prevalent across the country, especially in his province. “The innocent people are made to disappear,” he said.

He directed Balochistan’s chief secretary, inspector general of police, interior ministry, as well as, Frontier Constabulary and other relevant authorities to furnish a detailed report into this incident in Senate’s next session this Monday. “Senator Kamran Murtaza has raised very important points— those who have been abducted have families— this is a very serious issue,” the deputy chairman Senate observed.

Reports suggest that up to 16 persons were abducted from Shaban area by unknown elements, earlier on Thursday. Later, six of the abductees were released, and, the remaining 10, who belonged to Punjab, were not freed. Reports also suggest that the kidnappers released the six abductees after seeing their identity cards.

Earlier, the lawmakers from different political parties strongly criticised the federal government for not giving any relief to the masses in the proposed federal budget.

Bilal Ahmed Khan from Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) said the focus of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) is on excessive taxation. He said formulation of a comprehensive tax policy is vital for streamlining the tax machinery.

Samina Mumtaz Zehri from Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) said the country is faced with unannounced and prolonged power outages on a daily basis. The common man is bearing the brunt of costly agreements signed in the power sector, she said, adding that these agreements needed to be reviewed.

Sajid Mir from Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) said the federal budget being “anti-poor is not a good omen.”

PPP’s Shahadat Awan also criticised the proposed federal budget, saying the federal government failed to deliver on its promises to control inflation and create employment opportunities.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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