MTBA urges FBR chief to issue apology to SC advocate

22 Jun, 2024

ISLAMABAD: Multan Tax Bar Association (MTBA) has urged chairman Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to issue an unconditional apology to an advocate for serious professional misconduct by IRS officers posted at Corporate Tax Office (CTO), Islamabad.

It has been alleged that the Inland Revenue officials of the CTO Islamabad committed misconduct while defending their maladministration before Federal Tax Ombudsman in an investigation, MTBA said.

In a letter dispatched on Friday, the office-bearers of MTBA, President Mian Abdul Sattar and GS Muhammad Imran Ghazi have drawn attention of chairman FBR towards the sensitive issue and urged to issue an unconditional apology to Waheed Shahzad Butt for the irreparable harm caused by the statements of CTO officials.

MTBA letter to chairman states “It is imperative that the FBR upholds the highest standards of professional conduct and rectifies the situation by publicly acknowledging the error and taking appropriate measures to restore Butt's honor and dignity. We are writing to express our deep concern and to bring to your attention a matter of serious professional misconduct by two officials, which has resulted in significant harm to the reputation and legal career of Waheed Shahzad Butt, a distinguished Advocate of the Supreme Court.”

MTBA further added “both officers, in their defense before the FTO, labeled WaheedShahzad Butt as a "habitual complainant.”

This unfounded assertion not only constitutes character assassination but also undermines the integrity of the complaint proceedings, wherein the officers were expected to address the allegations of maladministration leveled against them.

Furthermore, the dissemination of this irresponsible statement to the press has led to its publication in leading newspapers across Pakistan, causing widespread damage to Butt's impeccable reputation and standing within the legal community.

The members of the MTBA have unanimously passed a resolution in solidarity with Waheed Shahzad Butt, condemning the actions of the aforementioned officers and the subsequent media coverage that has unjustly tarnished his name.

We trust that the FBR will address this matter with the urgency and seriousness it deserves. An apology would not only serve as a reparation for the damage inflicted but also as a testament to the FBR’s commitment to fairness, justice, and respect for the legal profession, the MTBA added.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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