MQM-P demands Sindh govt ‘discard’ proposed finance bill

26 Jun, 2024

KARACHI: The MQM asked the government to scrape its proposed finance bill, as the Sindh Assembly on Tuesday echoed with issues like water scarcity in Karachi and urban taxations as the government vowed to found the milk bank.

Debate on the Sindh fiscal budget 2024-25 ran for its fifth sitting with voices mainly from the opposition over water crisis in Karachi and increasing taxation on the cities.

Similarly, the government’s ministers highlighted their achievements in the current fiscal year, giving an outlook of development projects of different sectors.

Muhammad Farooq of Jamaat-e-Islami urged the Sindh government to halt all its uplift projects in his constituency but help solve the long-running water scarcity problem for the public. Along with my electoral college, the entire city is in deep anguish from problems.

Over 90 percents children attend the private sectors schools, he said that the government is responsible for educating the nation and providing them with healthcare services. Citing the Sindh Education Minister, he said that the government’s schools are unable to cater to the ministers children.

He slammed the city mayor for imposing toll tax within Karachi jurisdiction.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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