CTO Islamabad eases concerns of officers

28 Jun, 2024

ISLAMABAD: Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Islamabad Muhammad Sarfraz Virk held an orderly room meeting at Traffic Police Headquarters to address the concerns of police officers, following the special directions of Inspector General of Police (IGP) Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi.

This initiative aims to ensure timely and prioritised resolution of both institutional and personal matters affecting police officers.

The orderly room is designed to prioritise and swiftly address issues faced by police officers, emphasising their welfare and efficient problem resolution.

Officers of the Islamabad Police attended the session, bringing forth various personal and official concerns. Immediate directives were issued for the resolution of urgent matters, with further instructions given to senior officers to promptly address remaining issues.

During the session, the CTO Islamabad highlighted several measures taken for the welfare of police officers. These include initiatives to improve residence facilities, enhance healthcare provisions, and raise educational standards for the officers and their families. He assured all personnel of an open-door policy at his office, encouraging them to bring forward any concerns for immediate resolution.

CTO Virk emphasised that the primary objective of the orderly room is not only to address the welfare, personal, and official issues of police officers but also to boost their morale by prioritising resolutions based on their well-being. The establishment of the orderly room reflects the Islamabad Police’s commitment to the welfare and professional satisfaction of its officers.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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