Spot rate firm on cotton market

LAHORE: The local cotton market on Saturday remained steady and the trading volume remained low. Cotton Analyst...
30 Jun, 2024

LAHORE: The local cotton market on Saturday remained steady and the trading volume remained low.

Cotton Analyst Naseem Usman told Business Recorder that ginners had decided to call off the strike after seeing government’s non serious attitude regarding solving the issues of the ginners.

He also said that the rate of new cotton in Sindh is in between Rs 17,800 to Rs 19,000 per maund. The rate of Phutti in Sindh is in between Rs 7,800 to Rs 8,000 per 40 kg.

The rate of cotton in Punjab is Rs 19,000 per maund. The rate of Phutti in Punjab is in between Rs 8,500 to Rs 9,000 per 40 kg.

The Spot Rate remained unchanged at Rs 18,500 per maund. Polyester Fiber was available at Rs 375 per kg.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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