Hurr Jamaat, GDA leader Khuda Bakhsh Daras shot dead in Khipro

30 Jun, 2024

KHIPRO: Hurr Jamaat’s respected member, Grand Democratic Alliance (GDA) Sindh’s central leader and former Nazim Khipro Faqir Haji Khuda Bakhsh Daras was shot dead along with his guard in an attack in Khipro on Saturday.

The former Nazim was walking around his land with his guard when unknown persons attacked them. In the attack, GDA leader Khuda Bakhsh Daras along with his guard was killed on the spot.

The bodies have been taken to Khipro Civil Hospital for necessary medico-legal procedures. A large number of GDA and Hurr Jamaat workers gathered at the Khipro Civil Hospital and staged a protest against the killings.

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