Consumers’ recommendation, Discos, KE tariff: PD submits addendum to Nepra

10 Jul, 2024

ISLAMABAD: The Power Division has submitted an addendum to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) with respect to the recommendation of consumers and end tariff for Discos and K-Electric aimed at keeping the tariffs of non-protected and protected categories of consumers using up to 200 units for three months.

The Nepra will hold a public hearing on the proposed revised Schedule of Tariffs (SoTs) on Wednesday (July 10) to be presided over by the Nepra chairman.

According to the addendum, the federal government has decided that the impact of rebasing may be waived from both protected and non-protected non-ToU domestic consumers, using up to 200 units for three months, ie, July to September 2024.

The Cabinet on July 8, 2024, approved the proposal and decided that the decision may be submitted to the authority for consideration in terms of Section 31 of the Act along with the federal government motion of July 3, 2024.

The Power Division has further stated that rebasing shall not be applicable to protected and non-protected ToU domestic consumers, using up to 200 units for three months, ie, July, August and September 2024. However, rebasing shall be applicable from October 1, 2024.

Electricity rates for the protected category using 1-100 units will remain Rs7.74 per unit for three months but will increase to Rs11.69 per unit from October 1, 2024. However, protected consumers using up to 101-200 units per month for three months, will pay Rs10.06 per unit, which will increase to Rs14.16 per unit from October.

Unprotected non-ToU consumers will pay Rs16.48 per unit for three months which will increase to Rs23.59 per unit from October, whereas, consumers using 101-200 units will pay Rs22.95 per unit for July, August and September 2024 which will be increased to Rs30.07 per unit from October 1, 2024.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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