Samsons agri farm pioneers new era of sustainable farming

10 Jul, 2024

ISLAMABAD: Samsons Agri Farm, a leading agri-business group has pioneered a new era of sustainable farming in Pakistan, as it has transformed arid and sandy land into lush green fields, revolutionizing Pakistan’s agricultural landscape.

Mohammad Ur Rehman, Executive Director Samsons Agri Farm told Business Recorder on Tuesday that the group has employed modern technology including installation of central pivot irrigation system which ensures efficient water utilization and helps in turning barren lands into productive agricultural fields. This technology enhances crop yields and conserves precious water resources.

The implementation of cutting-edge technology is a remarkable transformation and a significant milestone in the country’s farming history, especially with the large-scale cultivation employed for the first time in the country. We feel proud that our farm is eco-friendly and more than 90% of the energy is derived from solar power which contributes towards environmental sustainability. A team of local and international professionals manages the farm, he said.

Samsons Agri is cultivating Rhodes grass, alfalfa, canola, sesame, wheat, millet, besides fruit and vegetables, organic farming, and medicinal crops.

One of the top cash crops of Pakistan is tobacco which generated over 10 million US dollars in exports last year. It is now being cultivated successfully on this land. In a bid to promote eco-friendly agricultural practices, Samsons Agri Farm has adopted sun-curing techniques for tobacco production, deviating from the traditional flue-curing methods. This shift eliminates the consumption of firewood, thereby preserving forests and minimizing environmental degradation. The large-scale tobacco farming initiative is poised to bring substantial economic benefits to Pakistan. By generating significant foreign exchange, this project will bolster the national economy and enhance the country’s agricultural exports. Furthermore, the initiative has created numerous employment opportunities, particularly empowering women, with more than 90% of the workforce being female. This focus on gender inclusivity which not only supports local communities but also drives socio-economic development across the region.

“We are proud to lead this transformative project that not only advances agricultural innovation but also fosters environmental sustainability and social empowerment,” said Mohammad Ur Rehman.

Samsons Agri is also keeping a large herd of animals (cows, buffalo, and sheep), which will soon increase to 10,000 animals. The farm is engaged in fattening and breeding of animals for export of meat and dairy products. The waste of animals is a major source of organic fertilizers and biogas for energy usage.

The farm has also entered into a contract with a large commercial organization for cultivating 500 acres of barley crop.

Muhammad Ur Rehman added that the group remained grateful to the SIFC, government of Pakistan and Pakistan army for providing their support to enhance Agri and farming business for the purposes of food security of Pakistan and earning much needed foreign exchange because of agri and meat products’ exports.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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