MoF issues strategy for release of recurrent budget funds

Updated 13 Jul, 2024

ISLAMABAD: The Finance Ministry on Friday issued strategy for release of recurrent budget funds for 2024-25 fiscal year with 20 percent for quarter 1, 25 percent for quarter 2 & quarter 3 each and 30 percent for quarter 4.

The Finance Ministry said that in pursuance of the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act, 2019 and Financial Management, funds release strategy for the recurrent budget for fiscal year 2024-25 is being issued for implementation with immediate effect and until further orders.

Allocated funds for the recurrent budget to Divisions/Attached Departments/ Subordinate and other offices i.e. Autonomous Bodies, Authorities, Commissions etc. shall be released for fiscal year 2024-25 by Finance Division under Demands for Grants and Appropriations at 20 percent for Quarter 1, 25 percent for Quarter 2 & Quarter 3 each, and 30 percent for quarter 4.

Federal government employees: Ad hoc relief in pay, pension notified

Employees Related Expenses (ERE) and Pension payments at 25 percent for each quarter, non-employees related expenditure al 15 percent for Quarter 1, 25 percent for Quarter 2 & quarter 3 each and 35 percent for Quarter 4.

Rent of Office and Residential Buildings, commuted value of pension, encashment of LPR and PM Assistance packages at 45 percent during 1st half of Current fiscal year and 55 percent in 2nd half of the ongoing fiscal year.

Subsidies, grants and lending shall be released by Finance Division to Principal Accounting Officer (PAOs) on case to case basis.

The cases relating to international and domestic contractual and obligatory payments beyond the above prescribed limits shall be considered on case to case basis by Finance Division.

The PAO or Head of Department or Head of Sub-ordinate Office shall not make any re-appropriation of allocated funds from ERE to any other head of account (Non-ERE) without prior concurrence of Finance Division:

The PAOs have been provided additional funds to meet the funding requirements of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2024, announced in the budget for fiscal year 2024-25, under a separate cost centre in each demand for grants and Finance Division shall release 1OO percent of these funds in Quarter 3.

PAOs are advised to re-appropriate these funds, in consultation with Expenditure Wing, Finance Division, only for the purpose of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2024, to cost centres of Divisions/Attached Departments/ Subordinate Offices within respective Demands for Grants.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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