Excessive fees/charges: Iraq’s envoy hands list of travel agents to interior minister

Updated 15 Jul, 2024

ISLAMABAD: In an unusual move, Iraq’s envoy here has handed a list to Pakistan’s Interior minister, of the travel agents allegedly involved in fleecing the Pakistani travellers visiting Iraq.

The minister has assured the diplomat of taking action against the said agents in a week.

The development surfaced in a meeting between Iraq’s Ambassador to Pakistan Hamid Abbas Lafta and Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi on Sunday.

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The Interior minister expressed his “serious concern” over travel agents excessively charging the pilgrims visiting Iraq, and assured the Iraqi envoy to take action against those breaking the law, an official statement said.

“The Iraqi ambassador assured full cooperation in making travel easier for Pakistani pilgrims and provided a list of travel agents who had been overcharging visitors. Minister Naqvi, in response, assured to take action against these agents within a week,” the statement said.

On the occasion, the Interior minister also requested the Iraqi government to consider the issue of permitting Pakistani pilgrims to keep their passports during their stay in Iraq, the statement added.

The two sides also agreed to “quickly finalise” a visa waiver agreement for diplomats and other officials from both countries, said the statement.

Additionally, Pakistan and Iraq are working on a deal that will make it easier for Pakistani workers to obtain work permits in Iraq, it added.

The meeting between the envoy and the minister focused on making it easier and more affordable for Pakistani Muslims to travel to Iraq for religious purposes, according to the press release.

The discussion highlighted the possibility of visa-free entry for Pakistani pilgrims and increasing the number of people allowed to visit Iraq from Pakistan each year, the press release stated.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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