The King of the World is not safe in his fortress

17 Jul, 2024

During Obama’s visit to Kenya, a boy as young as 7 years old asked him, “Are you the king of the world?” Whether one likes it or not, the President of the USA does wield considerable power and authority, capable of lifting a compliant country from ashes to prosperity or, conversely, reducing a non-compliant country to ruin with total impunity. Currently, we have two notable examples.

The USA and the West are supporting Ukraine against Russia, effectively preventing an early victory for the latter largely due to the actions of the “King of the World,” Joe Biden. The second examples World King’s unquestionable authority is his decision to support, abet and protect Israel and to give it free hand to carry out genocide in Palestine and exterminate Palestinian infants, children, women, elderly and young alike with total impunity. But this “king,” who decides the fate of other countries, was nearly killed in his own country, in a highly guarded public event, by gunfires of a 20-year-old boy, like a lame duck.

Fortunately, the would-be “king of the world,” Donald Trump, was attacked—not by a Muslim, Black, Asian, or Hispanic terrorist or criminal—but by a young twenty-year-old white boy. In his recorded video message, the attacker claimed he hated the conservative party and Donald Trump, but ended with a taunting smile, saying, “you got the wrong guy.” While the first part of his message seemed straightforward, the second part will only be fully understood after thorough investigation. This incident tells a serious story: the so-called king of the world, who determines the fate of other countries and societies with the stroke of a pen—either allowing them to live and prosper or destroying them—was not safe in his own country. Had the attacker been of foreign origin, that country of his origin might have been attacked immediately or faced retribution later, much like Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Afghanistan, whose leaders were chased and hunted like wild animals. Leaders from around the world wasted no time in issuing condemnations, setting aside their business, no matter how important, to save themselves and their countries from the potential wrath of the US if they had delayed their statements. Last but not the least, the boy who attacked Trump is a Jew. This is why perhaps the religion of Trump’s shooter was not mentioned and why the media did not label it as a terrorist attack. Needless to say, ironically, this term is primarily used in reference to Muslims.

Qamar Bashir

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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