PM Shehbaz directs FBR to accelerate digitisation work

  • Premier says reforms in FBR can increase revenue
Updated 18 Jul, 2024

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif Thursday directed the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to accelerate work on digitisation, Radio Pakistan reported.

During a meeting today on the FBR’s reforms and digitization, the premier said 800 billion rupees worth of tax refund fraud had been uncovered in the last four months.

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He said the tax refund system will be further improved. He said reforms in FBR can increase revenue.

The Prime Minister said the unnecessary delay in implementing several projects regarding the reforms in FBR is regrettable.

The meeting was briefed that 83,579 cases worth 3.2 trillion rupees are pending in various courts and tribunals regarding taxes. It was said that the sitting government had taken various steps to resolve the pending tax cases.

During the last four months, 63 cases worth 44 billion rupees were disposed of by various courts.

It was informed that 4.9 million people, who can afford to pay taxes, have been identified through the use of advanced technology.

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The Prime Minister instructed to bring the wealthy and well-off people among these 4.9 million individuals to the tax net on a preferential basis and no additional burden should be put on the poor.

The meeting was further informed that 150,000 retailers have so far been registered with the traders-friendly mobile phone since April this year.

Shehbaz Sharif advised to continue consultation with the retailers to make this system more efficient. He instructed to increase the number of appellate tribunals to 100 for speedy decisions of the cases.

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He also directed to enhancement the appellate tribunals to dispose of cases regarding customs. Besides, instructions were given to prepare a dashboard to assess the performance of appellate tribunals.

He advised to fully digitize the Fraud Detection and Investigation Department of the FBR.

He stressed the need to formulate a strategy for bringing all ongoing reform projects in FBR under a central system.

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