PTA prepares tariff for cellular mobile services regulations

Updated 23 Jul, 2024

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has prepared “Tariff for Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Services Regulations, 2024” according to which licencees are required to ensure adherence to pricing flexibility while safeguarding and protecting the interests of consumers and no cross-subsidization of other telecommunication services.

These regulations shall apply to all Cellular Mobile Licencees with respect to setting level of retail tariffs being charged against licenced services to consumers.

All Cellular Mobile Licencees are required to ensure adherence to following principles while setting level of tariff of cellular mobile telecommunication services: (a) Pricing flexibility while safeguarding and protecting the interests of consumers; (b) Tariffs shall be set at a level which provides a reasonable rate of return on investments considering the cost of operations; and (c) No cross-subsidization of other telecommunication services.

Number of cellular subscribers rises to 192.07m

The procedure for approval of tariff of SMP and Non- SMP Licencees are as given;

Tariff of Non-SMP Operator/Licencee - Subject to prior notification duly served to the Authority and the consumers at least seven (07) days prior to applicability of any change in Tariff. Non-SMP Licencees are free to set and revise their Tariff for Telecommunication Services: Provided that the Authority may modify, amend the tariff of non-SMP Operators/Licencee on own initiative directly or indirectly or upon receipt of a complaint, adversely affecting the interests of Consumers.

Tariff of SMP Licencees — SMP Licencees shall submit their written proposals complete in all respects including criteria for establishment of tariff for setting or revising Tariff for Telecommunication Services to the Authority for approval at least 15 days before intended launch of the proposed Tariff.

Tariff for Assistance and Directory Inquiry Services— (1) No Licencee(s) shall impose or levy any charges / Tariff against Operator Assistance Services or Directory Inquiry Services.(2) For the purpose of the levy any Tariff against Assistance Services or Directory Inquiry Services, the Licencees shall be required to submit a request in writing at least fifteen (15) days, before levying/imposing such Tariff, to the Authority for approval. (3) The Licencee(s) shall establish a dedicated helpline service wherein the Consumer by accessing such dedicated help line may access the assistance through Interactive Voice Response (IVR) free of cost.

The Licencee(s) shall be required to submit an application in writing for introducing of new or modification in Tariff duly addressed to the office of Director General (Commercial Affairs) at PTA HQs either through letter, fax or email.

The proposal must be comprehensive and unambiguous, explicitly specifying any all features e.g., i) discount, ii) validity period or iii) special conditions etc, duly supported with facts and figures as per prescribed format (if any) including but not limited to the following information: a) the bases on which the proposed Tariff has been set and evidence to support the setting of the Tariff on the bases claimed; b) cost data and calculations which show the total costs associated with the proposed Tariff in sufficient detail and which enable the Authority to be satisfied that the proposed Tariff shall not result in predatory pricing or excessive pricing by the Licencee; c) cost data and calculations which show the margin / reasonable rate of return that will be achieved for the proposed Tariff in sufficient detail and which enable the Authority to undertake an imputation assessment to ensure that a margin squeeze shall not result after taking account of the regulated charges to provide the retail service; and d) In case, the proposed Tariff is a bundle, cost data and calculations of the services that make up the bundled Tariff in sufficient detail to enable the Authority to undertake and assess whether the bundle can be economically replicated by other Licencees.

Tariff shall be considered to be burdensome if: (a) Profit to the Licencee is abnormally higher than the reasonable rate of return considering cost of operations; (b) Proposed tariff is high as compared to industry benchmark and/or respective inflation during the period; (c) The Tariff is beyond the affordability level of average Consumers; and (d) Any other factor determined by the Authority from time to time.

The SMP Licencee’s interconnection charges/wholesale tariffs including Mobile Termination Rate (MTR) shall be regulated by the Authority. These charges shall be based on Long Run Incremental Cost (LRIC) basis and/or any other methodology such as international benchmarking etc., as determined by the Authority from time to time.

The Licencee shall make available updated Tariffs for national/international roaming facility for each respective city/region/country as well as Licencee, on its website along with complete terms and the consumer shall also be informed through SMS, after selecting a particular Licencee through manual or automatic method while roaming abroad, the applicable Tariff for each category of national/international roaming service including incoming/outgoing calls, incoming/outgoing messages, data etc. The licencee shall only activate services on international roaming that have been subscribed/requested by a consumer in writing. The licencee shall inform the voice, SMS and data tariffs to consumer, while on roaming through SMS, USSD, App etc.

The licencee shall ensure that consumers will not be charged beyond the amount of security deposit while on roaming.

The licencees shall not activate automatic renewal of subscription-based packages upon the expiry of that package, without soliciting explicit consent of the Consumer: Provided that in case of auto recursive renewals, explicit consent as well as steps for unsubscribing offer/bundle/package shall be intimated prior to first auto renewal.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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