‘Learning from China’

30 Jul, 2024

That Sirajuddin Aziz writes with conviction, in fact genuine conviction, is a fact. His latest contribution for this newspaper titled “Learning from China” is no doubt a scholarly approach to the studies of transformation of China. He has presented an objective perspective on China since the creation of People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the founding and ruling political party of modern China. The writer has concluded his article with a fascinating one-liner: ‘It is leadership, not the economy, stupid’!

Yes, it is the leadership insofar as the remarkable development of China is concerned. Under the incumbent President Xi Jinping, for example, China has achieved numerous milestone; there are many more in its way, so to speak. In other words, the CCP has power, ability, capacity and the required wherewithal to help accomplish any incumbent conceive, plan and execute strategies and programmes aimed at economic development of China.

As general secretary of the CCP, Xi, for example sits atop the party’s power structure. Not only is he China’s head of state or government as president, he is also the head armed forces. Moreover, it is a fact that most of his power stems from his role as general secretary of CCP. In my view, too, China owes its economic success to a variety of factors; one of these is political stability that has enabled China to become world’s engine of economic growth.

Salima Safdar


Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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