The cries of the oppressed have overtaken the entire Middle East

02 Aug, 2024

“When evildoing comes like falling rain, nobody calls out “stop!” Bertolt Brecht says, ”When crimes begin to pile up, they become invisible. When sufferings become unendurable, the cries are no longer heard. The cries, too, fall like rain in summer.”

The cries of the oppressed have overtaken the entire Middle East. It appears as if the oppressor is running scot-free on a killing spree, spilling the blood of everyone who opposes it. Israel is running amok assassinating Ismael Haniyeh—the interlocutor with no tactical role in the current conflict— and possibly Hezbollah’s commander Fuad Shukar in less than 24 hours.

The people of Palestine have been undergoing genocide for the last ten months while the striptease of Western civilization continues to show its horrible and mutilated face to the global South. It’s a Dionysian dance on the bodies of babies.

It is one dimension of this conflict but no matter how strong the enemy is there are always two sides to every conflict. Israel, a settler colonial entity lacking legitimacy to survive in its existing form has not only realised the Nietzsche an abyss staring at it, in which it is gradually and inevitably falling in but has apprehended how irreversibly the Oedipus situation and castration fear have overtaken it.

The valiant Palestinian resistance has demoralized its petty-bourgeois army which hasn’t fought any battle since 2006 when it was humiliated by Hezbollah in Lebanon. Since then, it has only chased Palestinian children and unarmed civilians, often slaughtering them in cold blood.

Despite massive ammunition supply from the US, transcending the one that blew up Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Israeli army is complaining about the shortage of arms.

The long siege Marx says exhausts the besieged camp, but the guerilla warfare has exhausted those who have besieged their victims. The poetic justice through guerilla warfare introduced by Guevara and Giap is publicly displayed.

War is one of the easiest solutions to realize the accumulated capital. For the military-industrial complex of the US, every calamity is an opportunity. It is relishing every minute of the Ukrainian disaster and the genocidal war imposed on the people of Palestine.

As Rosa Luxemburg stated, “The dividends are rising, and the proletariat is falling. And with everyone there sinks into the grave a fighter of the future, a soldier of the revolution, mankind’s savior from the yoke of capitalism”.

The conflict has not only created a dearth of soldiers but has also taken a heavy toll on the Israeli economy. Ansarullah has effectively barricaded the sea route for Israel and its allies.

Despite direct American involvement in the Mediterranean Sea to rescue the Zionist state from Yemeni drones the Israeli port of Eilat has become completely non-functional. Its northern border is under constant threat from Hezbollah’s wrath hence its territory is shrinking.

The Northern migrants of Israel concentrating in the big cities are causing additional stress on the state’s coffers. The expropriators are being expropriated.

Nevertheless, war can be a midwife of a revolution as well. The internal contradictions of Israel are forcing it to invade not only the people of Palestine, which it always does but to attack the neighbouring countries such as Lebanon and Syria have become its existential necessity. The strategy temporarily curbs the internal chaos and helps it to squeeze more money from the US.

Israeli society, a stylized barbarism has stuck at the level of Freudiananal-expulsive stage. “It exhibits cruelty, emotional outbursts, disorganization, self-confidence, rebelliousness, and general carelessness”.

Netanyahu represents a sick society where the health of the sick and the sickness of its people go hand in hand. He is a perfect specimen of a pathological bourgeois society with no long-term future.

Not long ago the people of Israel led by the military came out to save the Constitution from an authoritarian Netanyahu, who was trying to make amendments to castrate the Israeli Supreme Court. The military pilots threatened to abandon their duties, the reservists refused to work.

Anticipating the nature of the movement maintaining the status quo Gideon Levi stated, “Its language is military, most of its leaders are former service members. Refusal to serve is the most effective weapon and its ultimate goal is to keep the state as it was before…Even the old new savior … the defence minister Gallant is a former general, the commander of Operation Cast Lead, and a right-winger.

Where did Gallant learn about democracy? In Gaza City’s Zeitoun district, where as the head of the army’s Southern Command he was responsible for the killing of 23 members of the Samouni family and the killing of four women and a girl of the Al-Aish family” (Haaretz 1 August 2023).

Only two and a half months later, on October 7 everything changed for Israel and the world. The oppressed started the struggle for freedom by opting to overthrow the “mechanical force with mechanical force, criticism of arms replaced the arm of criticism”.

Considering it an opportunity to remove the Palestinians from Gaza through the barrel of a gun Israel went on to repeat the history of the Holocaust. Despite the Saudi, Egyptian, and Jordanian opportunism Palestinians got wonderful allies in the shape of Ansarullah, and Syrian-Iraqi resistance groups.

All three countries had the direct experience of enduring the wrath of imperialism. The genocide proved counter-productive making Israel not only a pariah state in the global South but has isolated it akin to the White South African-ruled state which in its terminal stages was entirely dependent on US backing. The verdicts of ICJ and ICC have added fuel to the fire. Israel has become universally recognized as a symbol of dark death even for its allies which have a lot to answer to the world.

If one needs to understand schizophrenia one needs to understand despair, RD Laing was succinct. The continuous failures of Israeli Zionist forces in all fields have led to despair hence it finds itself in a state of schizophrenia making it more sadist. The Spanish media EL PIAS wrote in July, “The Israeli army’s Sde Teiman detention, interrogation, and torture center, and its field hospital, must cease to exist. The prisoners — all from Gaza and some seriously injured — are held at all times in a supine position with their eyes covered. Their hands and feet tied to the bed, and they are naked except for a diaper, which they use to relieve themselves, and a quilt”.

“Rights groups including the Association for Civil Rights in Israel” Reuter states “have alleged serious abuse of detainees at the Sde Teiman camp in the Negev desert….” Haaretz’s heading is even more revealing, “Sde Teiman camp doctor who saw the Abused Human Detainee: I Could Not Believe An Israeli Prison Guard Could Do Such A Thing, confirms to the ongoing torture”. Prof Yoel Donchin examined one of the Palestinian detainees who was raped so badly that he had a ruptured bowel, severe injury to his anus, one damaged and broken rib, and required surgery”.

The brutal behavior of the IDF moved the doctor so much that in exasperation he stated “If the state and Knesset members think that there is no limit to how much they can abuse prisoners, they should kill them as the Nazis did or close the hospitals. If they want to maintain a hospital only to save themselves in front of the International Criminal Court in Hague it will do no good for them”.

When those soldiers allegedly involved in the crime were taken into custody for inquiry the Israeli protesters, including far-right members of Knesset invaded the two military compounds, forcing the military police to release them because for them the soldiers were merely doing their duty which included committing rape.

The Oedipus situation has forced Israel to kill the leading figures of its opponents. It has become the only way to avoid the castration fear from the forces of the Axis by involving its imperialist ally the US in its war. In this case not the son but the father is equally guilty. Would the prodigal son kill the father or father will ultimately castrate the son is anyone’s guess?

Even the impregnable economic might of the US corporate world is showing signs of mounting strain. The US will not be able to deliver its guns and bombs to Israel indefinitely. It has captured bigger markets in Saudia, UAE, and other Gulf states. The younger generation of the US and Europe including Jews abhor the slaughter visiting Palestine.

The ghetto population has become the first mass base of revolt, revolution will be the next in line. However, the subjective force has to overthrow the yoke with its continuous struggle. The cancer will have to be excised by the collective efforts of the surgeons, or else it will linger on.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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