PARTLY FACETIOUS: Nature or nurture

08 Aug, 2024

“I have it on very good authority that Greedy for Portfolios Samdhi (GPS) has expressed extreme, but very extreme, reservations against the Prime Minister to his counterpart….”

“Whose counterpart? The Prime Minister’s?”

“Interesting question, yes there are many, many, counterparts lined up – some basing their application on the basis of form 47 others on the basis of form 45….”

“Right, so I guess it is GPS complaining to his counterpart Samdhi Nawaz Sharif about Shahbaz Sharif. But why?”

“Well I have it on very good authority that GPS as deputy prime minister wants to be seated at the top of the table during cabinet meetings, next to the Prime Minister…”

“Would the tail of the table do?”

“Never, or perhaps I have been hasty, maybe just maybe he will inform the rest of the cabinet that the orange is the new black – or for the obtuse like you, the tail is now the declared head of the table.”

“Don’t be facetious, anyway I take strong exception to his performance as foreign minister and would urge the stakeholders to….to….”

“Why? He is attending the Organisation of Islamic Countries meeting and….”

“I take strong exception to his performance. The guy has yet to utter a single word of condemnation against the Manchester airport event which involved Pakistanis, and he has also not given any advisory to any Pakistani travellers to the UK given the riots against Muslims and immigrants and….”

“I have it on good authority that someone told him that if he does what you are suggesting then the next time his assets beyond known means are challenged in a court of law UK may not give him a visa and his sons properties in the UK may be appropriated by the Serious Fraud Office and…why are you laughing?”

“Seriously! You really think British courts would uphold…”

“Have you heard of the power of a minority decision!”

“That’s in the Land of the Pure, only….”

“Right, anyway research at a university named after PML-N supremo, the counterparty Samdhi, has produced dates that take less time to give fruit.”

“Dates as in going out with…”

“As in fruit, you fruit.”

“All I can say is hurry, as they say makes extremely bad curry.”

“Where did that come from?”

“Just that, one should let nature take its course, the fruit is sweeter.”

“Tell that to the Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless.”

“Nature or nurture?”

“Shut up.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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