Partly Facetious: Arshad Nadeem has done this country proud

Updated 12 Aug, 2024

“The nation heard of one joyous event after….after years.” “Notification Maryam Nawaz’s chief of army staff uniform is ready? Frankly I can’t understand the reason for the delay, I have it on good authority that she commissioned her tailor soon after the 8 February elections and…”

“Stop it.”

“Is the reason because all cases against The Man Who Must Remain Nameless….”

“Speaking of him, I reckon The Third Wife is a Tim Walz – unknown till selected.”

“One difference, though: Walz was selected because he is a nobody and unlikely to upstage Harris, whose capacity to upstage anyone is kinda challengeable…”

“She upstaged Biden!”

“The guy with serious mental…”

“You are mean; anyway The Third Wife may have been an unknown and never ever upstaged The Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless as he reportedly never allowed her to appear on the media after the first and last interview though she has addressed the media recently while in jail, but she is bad-mouthing PTI leaders….”

“These are not normal circumstance anyway, Arshad Nadeem has done this country proud.”

“I heard The Brown Pope wants to take over the Pakistan Olympics Association now.”

“Let him have this too, I mean I doubt if Arshad Nadeem would be a member of our team for the next Olympics, and so we will be back to zero medals…”

“I think this maybe one portfolio he may not get. Apparently, the current president, Syed Muhammad Abid Qadri Gillani, was elected only in January this year.…”

“Hey, we can even get rid of those who hold constitutional posts in a flash. Does he Gillani have any contacts with the stakeholders?”

“I don’t know, but I reckon The Brown Pope has the best contacts….”

“Agreed anyway, the officials who accompanied our Olympic playing squad, are they still in Paris?”

“I am not sure about the others, but The Rana is back and….”

“Right anyway all stakeholders are bending over backwards to praise and thank Arshad Nadeem, name stadiums after him and give him cash and…”

“As we have seen again and again in this Land of the Pure, success attracts supporters – bees to honey…”


Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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