Climate finance, innovation, and action: Acumen’s ACAP day sets the stage

Acumen Pakistan held its flagship ‘Acumen Climate Action for Pakistan (ACAP) Day’ recently at the Islamabad Serena...
12 Aug, 2024

Acumen Pakistan held its flagship ‘Acumen Climate Action for Pakistan (ACAP) Day’ recently at the Islamabad Serena Hotel, stated a press release.

“The event was a convening of some of the most innovative and influential minds in climate action and highlighted the urgent need for collaboration and innovation in addressing climate challenges in Pakistan and beyond,” stated the press release.

Acumen’s Country Director Dr Ayesha Khan commenced the event with a fireside chat with Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue, Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb, who shed light on the crucial role of climate finance in Pakistan’s future.

“Various other keynote speakers emphasised the need for urgent and comprehensive climate action. This included a special address by the Mission Director USAID, along with conversations with top regulators including Chairman SECP and CEO Pakistan Stock Exchange.

“ACAP Day also featured the country heads of UNDP and IFC, along with representatives from the Ministry of Food Security and FCDO focused on large scale solutions required to bring about an effective climate response. In addition, leading voices from the corporate sector, including CEOs of State Life Insurance, NRSP, and Saudi Pak emphasized the need to build scalable local solutions.

“The event also featured a compelling climate science interlude on Water and Climate Change by the Dean of the Lahore University of Management Sciences Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering (LUMS SBASSE), as well as climate focused photography by Emmanuel Guddu. Adding to the discourse on climate, Acumen also launched its new report “From Apathy to Action: Building Resilience in Pakistan’s Agriculture” at the event and shared some key learnings with the audience. The event concluded with an impactful keynote by Senator Sherry Rehman who vividly illustrated the cost of inaction and the connections between local and global climate action.

“ACAP Day served as a platform for showcasing groundbreaking solutions and fostering collaboration among key stakeholders. Discussions revolved around climate finance, sustainable agriculture, and the role of the private sector in driving climate action. The participants appreciated the Green Climate Fund’s recent approval of anchor funding for Acumen’s new climate fund – a groundbreaking initiative investing equity capital in local agribusinesses that are building climate resilience for millions of smallholder farmers across Pakistan.”

Dr Ayesha Khan expressed her gratitude for the event’s success, stating, “We are immensely grateful to our speakers, partners, team and attendees for making ACAP Day a true testament to the power of collective action.”

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