PARTLY FACETIOUS: Lewinsky presented an unwashed dress as evidence

“Freedom is valued by all.” “Indeed it is – be it lack of freedom due to external factors or internal...
23 Aug, 2024

“Freedom is valued by all.”

“Indeed it is – be it lack of freedom due to external factors or internal factors or…”

“That’s not what I was referring to when I said it is valued by all.”

“Do you take exception to how I defined freedom?”

“No because that is not what concerns me, my concern is how you define all.”

“All? Really?”

“Take a guess.”

“That reminds me of Bill Clinton challenging the definition of the word in court.”

“Ah, that was in reference to his defence against Monica Lewinsky’s charge, I mean she actually presented an unwashed dress as evidence!”

“I guess we both digressed, but all means everyone, right.”

“Right it does, and it includes even animals.”

“You are being facetious, and need I add no one but no one is in the mood for facetiousness, so I would be careful if I were you.”

“Would you please stop projecting my intentions, you don’t know my intentions, so wait till I do something and then…”

“Intentions can be projected based on your past history…”

“Not in a court of law...oooops.”

“Ah, better sense has prevailed at last. Anyway, when I mentioned, animals are included…”

“Animals are neutral, though my dog favours me above all others in my family!”

“In the realm of spiritual guides, animals are neutral.”

“OK anyway, the point I wanted to make all along is that in South Africa the last of the elephants in a zoo was freed.”

“Wonder if the elephant is happy?”

“Of course he is, freedom…”

“He was fed every day in the zoo without taking the trouble to find his food, and fed choice bits of food, so there is something to be said about staying in the zoo.”

“I do hope there is no element of a tongue in cheek…”

“Absolutely not.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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