Mobile phone services suspended in Karachi, other cities on account of Chehlum

Updated 26 Aug, 2024

Cellular services in all major cities of Sindh, including Karachi, remained suspended on Monday on account of the Chehlum of Hazrat Imam-e-Hussain being observed today.

In Karachi, mobile phone services were suspended on Sunday night and will stay this way the entire day.

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) also issued a statement, saying that the services were suspended on the directions of the Interior Ministry.

“Voice and data service will remain suspended in Karachi and interior Sindh including Khairpur, Hyderabad Larkana, Sukkur and Shikarpur on 26 August, 2024 with immediate effect,” the PTA said.

This decision has been taken to maintain law and order situation during Chehlum, it added.

Meanwhile, the Sindh government had already announced closure of all public and private schools in the province.

The Chehlum observance takes place 40 days after Ashura and commemorates the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA), the grandson of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and other martyrs of Karbala.

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