PARTLY FACETIOUS: The steady deterioration of our cricket team’s performance

27 Aug, 2024

“Didn’t anyone tell The Brown Pope that the security threat in Islamabad’s Blue Area has weakened considerably?”

“What do you mean?”

“The entry points were jam-packed with government staff trying to get to work on Constitution Avenue – a three-kilometre long queue of vehicles in three lanes on Monday and…”

“Leave the poor guy be – he was busy with work associated with the second hat he wears – that of Chairman, Pakistan Cricket Board – I mean the steady deterioration of our team’s performance…”

“Hey, at least it is consistent. I reckon he is going to do another surgery on our cricket team…”

“But, but didn’t he do the surgery very, very recently?”

“That was a misdiagnosis – he did a hernia surgery when an open-heart surgery was required.”

“If that is your reasoning, then perhaps no one told him that the security threat prevalent on Friday was successfully diffused…”

“He is the Interior Minister isn’t he, I mean wasn’t he involved with the diffusion?”

“Well no the threat posed by the scheduled jalsa by the party of The Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless was diffused by, how can I put…”

“By those who must remain nameless…”

“Right, and don’t forget The Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless has refused to engage with the Brown Pope…”

“What about the threat posed by the religious parties…”

“That was taken care of by another institution, not the Brown Pope…”

“Hamm, so you reckon he just forgot to give the order to remove the containers around the Blue Area because he was busy with…with the open-heart surgery…”

“I reckon that surgery will be outsourced, it may cost the exchequer more money but hey if the surgeon is better then…”

“Right, and it isn’t as if The Brown Pope’s cabinet colleagues…”

“I am not sure if they consider themselves to be his colleagues, and let’s be honest, even he doesn’t consider them as his colleagues.”

“So who does he consider to be his colleagues?”

“He is stand alone, my friend, stand alone.”

“Ah indeed.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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