Trade bodies support today’s strike call

28 Aug, 2024

KARACHI: Trade and industrial bodies have announced that they will observe a complete shutter-down strike and take to the streets on Wednesday (Aug 28) to protest against the government’s imposition of various taxes, high power and gas tariff which have made running of business impossible and life of general pubic miserable.

The trade and industrial associations have pledged their unwavering support for the traders’ strike scheduled for August 28th.

They demanded that the government should review the tax policy, reduce power and gas tariff and consultations with business community should be made mandatory while making tax and economic policies.

They said that the traders, industrialists and general public were facing financial crisis, and inflated electricity and gas bills made their lives miserable.

Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI) has announced support for today’s nationwide traders’ strike.

KATI President Johar Qandhari, Deputy Patron-in-Chief Zubair Chhaya, Senior Vice President Nighat Awan, Vice President Muslim Mohammadi, and Executive Council members called on the government to immediately address the demands of the business community.

KATI leaders emphasised the need for reducing the tax burden and electricity prices, as well as revising the contracts with Independent Power Producers (IPPs) that are charging very high capacity charges.

They also urged the government to abolish additional charges like PHL on electricity bills in Karachi.

Qandhari highlighted the difficulties faced by businessmen and industrialists due to the current economic crisis and stressed the importance of providing relief to them.

He stated that if the legitimate demands of the business community are met, they are ready to contribute fully to stabilise and improve Pakistan’s economy.

Faisal Moiz Khan, President of the North Karachi Association of Trade & Industries (NKATI), Senior Vice President Shabbir Ismail, Vice President Naeem Haider, CMC Chief Akhtar Ismail, CEO of NKIDMC Younus Khamisani, and the executive committee, also pledged their unwavering support for the traders’ strike. They urged the government to take swift action to address the pressing concerns of traders and industrialists.

In an urgent meeting, NKATI’s leadership demanded an immediate reduction in electricity tariffs, the renegotiation of Independent Power Producer (IPP) contracts in the national interest, the elimination of illegal taxes on traders, shopkeepers, industrialists, and the general public, and prompt relief for Karachi, which contributes significantly 70 percent to the national exchequer.

They emphasized that these demands underscore the urgent need for government intervention to address the challenges faced by the business community and residents of Karachi.

Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) has already announced that it is joining strike call against the high power, gas tariff, high interest rates, abnormal high taxes, etc.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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