PARTLY FACETIOUS: Country needs results not a litany of sacrifices…

Updated 31 Aug, 2024

“Terror attacks, horrendously cruel terrorist attacks…” “Right, and the sacrifices made by the law enforcement agencies are on the rise…”

“That is true, but at the end of the day it’s whether the sacrifices have been in vain or not that is the key take. And sadly ground realities have not improved, those who sacrificed their lives are soon forgotten as the next attack occurs killing more…”

“I hear you, but you are well aware that cross border terrorism is difficult to manage and with the Afghan Taliban not taking action and the Indian involvement in…”

“I, too, hear you but if the existing policies are not bearing fruit then there is a need to revisit…”

“Rajiv Gandhi sent troops - Indian Peace Keeping Force to Sri Lanka - a grandiose title, but the outcome was his assassination…”

“India’s then external affairs minister Natwar Singh in a televised interview claimed that Rajiv was badly advised, he sent troops to Sri Lanka without telling the Cabinet and Singh said that Rajiv thought there was a simple solution to the Sri Lankan problem adding that “Rajiv was a trusting person…. Rajiv had a secret meeting with LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran. Rajiv was not a hard-boiled politician, he trusted Prabhakaran. Prabhakaran double-crossed him.”

“Wasn’t this fellow Singh forced to resign after a UN probe found he had benefitted from the oil for food programme? Besides speaking of not being a hard-boiled politician…”

“Hush and yes, Sonia Gandhi forced him to resign in 2005, and he complained no Indian guy would have treated him the way Sonia treated him after 45 years of friendship with the family.”

“Hamm, but in our case, spiritual guides…”

“Stop anyway my point is that the situation on the security side is dire, and the country needs results not a litany of sacrifices and more sacrifices and…”

“Well, First Daughters too…”


“You referred to spiritual guides and I just added first daughters for balance if you will.”

“Is that a balance, or does the spiritual guide out-weigh the first daughter…”

“I reckon in the short term the spiritual guide can outweigh the FD but in the long term…”

“Good point, anyway what about Greedy for Portfolios Samdhi? Can he be included in this august female duo?”

“Why not, he has successfully amassed portfolios even when his counterpart Samdhi is…is…”

“I get it.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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