‘The success of Army Chief’s Afghan policy’

31 Aug, 2024

This is apropos three letters to the Editor titled ‘The success of Army Chief’s Afghan policy’ carried by this newspaper in recent days.

Let me state that Zabihullah Mujahid’s emphasis on the Afghan government’s commitment to ensuring that Afghan soil is not used for attacks against Pakistan is as hollow as his other assertions.

The Afghan government is, in fact, harboring Pakistani nationals who have committed heinous crimes against the people and the state of Pakistan. They are fully aware that these individuals are involved in cross-border terrorism, masterminding and controlling operations within Pakistan to launch fatal attacks on the country’s vital interests.

Despite having the capability to rein in these violent groups and assist Pakistan in putting an end to their activities, the Afghan government, for reasons known only to them, not only harbors these militants but also seemingly encourages them to target Pakistan where it hurts most.

This behavior calls into question the sincerity of their stated commitment to non-interference and suggests a deliberate complicity in the ongoing violence against Pakistan.

However, his last suggestion that Pakistan and Afghanistan should hold formal talks and negotiations to address any concerns carries significant merit, especially given the current context.

By engaging in direct communication, Pakistan can clearly present its demands and concerns, compelling the Afghan government to take concrete and decisive steps in addressing the TTP issue comprehensively.

Should these talks fail, Pakistan would gain further legitimacy and international acceptability for its kinetic operations aimed at exterminating the TTP menace.

Qamar Bashir

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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