PTI terms Musakhel incident ‘failure of agencies’

Updated 31 Aug, 2024

ISLAMABAD: Terming the Musakhel incident a “complete failure” of over two dozen intelligence agencies, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Friday demanded the government to place all the decisions taken by Central Apex Committee (CAC) of National Action Plan (NAP) – a panel comprising the prime minister, provincial chief ministers, and top military leadership – before the parliament.

Speaking on a point of order, senior PTI leader Asad Qaiser termed the massacre of 23 Punjabis in Musakhel district of Balochistan by terrorists as the biggest failure of intelligence agencies, saying precious lives could have been saved if the spy agencies had done their job with all sincerity.

He said that the decisions taken by the CAC which is also attended by military top brass must be brought before the parliament as it is the only forum which can resolve the militancy and terrorism issues in the volatile province.

Referring to a statement by Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi who had claimed that no major operation was needed as the terrorists in Balochistan could be handled by a single station house officer (SHO), he said: “It was an irresponsible statement and people like Naqvi have no capability to deal with such matters.”

He alleged that the provincial assembly of Balochistan is 99 percent “fake” as people sitting in the assembly were brought there from somewhere else; adding that unless and until genuine representatives of people are allowed to represent their people, peace in the province seems an uphill task.

He continued that people of Balochistan must be taken onboard, particularly people like Dr Mahrang Baloch should be consulted, and the issue of enforced disappearance must come to an end.

Qaiser, who is also a former NA speaker, said that the Afghanistan policy of the incumbent regime is completely flawed, and diplomatic engagement with Afghanistan is a must in the prevalent circumstances.

The opposition leader in National Assembly seconded Qaiser, saying Balochistan issue must be brought before the parliament instead of handling it through people like Naqvi who know nothing about the complex issue.

He came down hard on Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal for criticising jailed PTI founding chairman Imran Khan, alleging Iqbal is the by-product of Form 47.

He claimed that Imran Khan has been locked in the death cell for terrorists, and the party will file a petition in the court against this injustice.

Responding to the points raised by Ayub, the Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal said that no ‘NRO’ would be given to Imran Khan and he had to prove his innocence in the courts of law.

He claimed that almost all PML-N senior party leaders remained in jails during PTI government and proved their innocence before the courts, adding “we provided the money trail whenever you asked and now it’s your turn to give the money trail and the receipts.”

“PTI leaders should follow those principles and scales which they set for the then opposition members (PML-N) during their tenure,” he added.

He went on to say that PTI leadership was now seeking a NRO but it would not be given to PTI rather they should clear themselves from the courts.

Regarding provision of facilities to Imran Khan at Adiala Jail, Iqbal claimed the best possible facilities like a “5-star hotel” were available to Khan in jail – a claim which both the party and the PTI leadership dispute.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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