‘Innovative solutions to terrorism and extremism’

04 Sep, 2024

This is apropos this writer’s three letters to the Editor ‘Innovative solutions to terrorism and extremism’ carried by the newspaper on Sunday, Monday and yesterday.

However, when we compare China’s strategic interventions with our own efforts in Pakistan’s restive regions of Balochistan and the erstwhile FATA, we are met with a stark and, frankly, embarrassing contrast.

In these regions, we have largely relied on kinetic power, failing to complement it with the multifaceted approach that China has employed to reintegrate its restive regions into the national fold.

The miscreants, as well as the innocent citizens who have been ensnared by the pernicious ideologies of terrorism and extremism, are our own brothers and sisters. We must not view their elimination as the sole strategy for peace.

While our armed forces are doing an exceptional job, rendering invaluable sacrifices in the fight against this two-headed monster, it is imperative that the civilian government and civil society step up to their responsibilities. We must look to China’s successful practices and adapt them to our context.

By doing so, we can bring our misled and misguided brothers and sisters back into the national stream as responsible, skilled, and productive members of society. This comprehensive approach is not just a necessity; it is a moral imperative for the future of our nation.

Qamar Bashir

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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