Khawaja Muhammad Asif: Message of Minister for Defence & Defence Production on the occasion of Defence and Martyrs’ Day of Pakistan, 06 September 2024

07 Sep, 2024

06 September 1965, remains an eternal testimony of our resolve to defend every inch of our motherland. The day reminds us of the sacrifices rendered by our valiant Shuhada’s, Ghazi’s and veterans. The indomitable spirit of our nation and its Armed Forces shattered the nefarious designs and aspirations of enemy; inflicting humiliating blows at land, in air and at sea.

This legacy of bravery and intrepidness has lived on. Seeking aspiration from our hero’s of 1965, each and every member of our Armed Forces remains unfazed in pursuance of our noble and sacred duty.

Pakistan today faces multiple security challenges both externally and internally. The main repository of both these threats is our traditional adversary. Employing gray zone conflict and with continued unabashed support to terrorist organizations, the integrity and social fame of our nation is being attacked. The enemy just like 1965 is underestimating our national resolve and spirit.

As we commemorate Defence Day of Pakistan, we, as a nation, vow that with unity, faith and discipline we will defeat the enemy at all fronts. The whole nation like a steady rock stand behind its Armed Forces.

At this juncture we also reaffirm our political, diplomatic and moral support to our Kashmiri brothers and sisters. The unilateral Indian action to alter the status of IOJ & K will never be accepted by Pakistan and we will continue to urge international community to play its role in resolution of the issue in accordance with UN resolution.

As Federal Minister for Defence and Defence Production, I reiterate that we are a peace loving nation. However, if aggression is imposed upon us we are ready for a decisive response.

On this occasion of Defence Day, I solemnly pray to Allah Almighty to grant us the courage and fortitude to follow the illuminating path of the hero’s of 1965 war.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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