PARTLY FACETIOUS: The contest between two deputy prime ministers

21 Sep, 2024

“So the visiting Russian Deputy Prime Minister said we should resist pressure from the West like New Delhi.”

“One question: who was the victor in the match between the Russian Deputy Prime Minister and the Pakistani Deputy Prime Minister”?

“Really, is that your focus”?

“It’s important for me; you say tomaaato the English way and I say tomato the American way.”

“Well, I reckon Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif needs to take away the portfolio of foreign affairs from the Samdhi and instead appoint Amir Muqaam – I mean, he would have been a better match with the Russian Deputy.”

“Shehbaz Sharif cannot touch the Samdhi, and the Brown Pope and the…”

“Shut up!”

“If you can be shallow, so can I.”

“Point taken, anyway when the Russian Deputy Prime Minister said we should follow the Indian line was he aware that major assets of his Pakistani counterpart are in the West, physical and liquid and…”

“And the assets of the counterpart of the Samdhi are also in the West!”

“Even if the Deputy Russian Prime Minister held assets in the West, they are frozen by now and…”

“I meant Nawaz Sharif anyway, my question: what does one deputy prime minister say to another?”

“Whatever the public or the stakeholders think of my performance in my portfolios, my counterpart Samdhi will make sure …”

“Look at the macro instead of the micro picture.”

“The micro picture?”

“Specific to one individual, while the macro is a general pattern in this country. Take the case of Hafeez Sheikh – how many times did he not perform and yet got the job and I hear he is again Plan B, the Brown Pope – the cricket team in-spite of having great individual players has consistently performed poorly, the terror threat is elevated, and he couldn’t get the Maulana to side with the side that matters, and he still is wearing all these hats…”

“He is rather loose-limbed when he walks!”

“The Samdhi is not loose-limbed, he is quick to stand in front of the camera and…”

“I meant the Brown Pope.”

“Right anyway for your information The Samdhi didn’t take to the Russian Deputy Prime Minister because I hear in Russia a deputy prime minister is a secretary and as the Samdhi is…”


Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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