MDCAT exam: UHS dispatches exam papers to cities tomorrow

21 Sep, 2024

LAHORE: The University of Health Sciences (UHS) has finalized all the arrangements for the Medical and Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT) scheduled to be held on Sunday across Punjab.

The examination papers and other essential materials for the MDCAT have been dispatched to 11 cities of Punjab under tight security on Friday. The examination papers are sealed in steel trunks, escorted by district police and assistant commissioners. Senior faculty members and staff from the University of Health Sciences (UHS) also accompanied the transport, a UHS spokesman said, adding: “Upon reaching their destinations, the examination papers will be securely stored in the safe rooms of district treasury offices.”

The vice-chancellor of UHS, Prof. Dr. Ahsan Waheed Rathor, personally oversaw the dispatch process and offered special prayers for the safety of candidates, parents, and staff, as well as the smooth conduct of the examination. In an additional precautionary measure, the university conducted charity animal sacrifices for protection against difficulties.

To ensure seamless coordination during the exam, a Command and Control Center has been established at UHS, with Prof. Rathor directly supervising the operations. A help desk with designated officers has also been set up to maintain continuous communication with examination centers, the spokesman added.

The UHS has requested the suspension of mobile and internet services within a 500-meter radius around all centers. On Saturday, training sessions for the invigilation staff will be held at the respective centers.

Senior faculty members and officials of UHS have been appointed as head couriers for the exam material, while vice-chancellors, pro-vice chancellors, and principals of medical universities will serve as regional in-charges.

To prevent unauthorized access, section 144 has been enforced at all examination centers. The district administration and UHS have also arranged seating facilities for parents near the centers, with a significant police presence ensuring security.

Teaching hospitals and district headquarter hospitals have been placed on high alert, while personnel from the Special Branch, Civil Defense, and Fire Brigade will also be deployed at the centers. Additionally, NADRA’s e-Sahulat counters will be set up to verify the identity of any suspicious candidates.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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