‘Trump or Harris: no respite for Palestine’

26 Sep, 2024

This is apropos two back-to-back letters to the Editor by this writer carried by the newspaper on Tuesday and yesterday. The European Union is a strong proponent of a negotiated two-state solution and has been critical of actions that it views as undermining the prospects for peace, such as settlement expansion in the West Bank.

The EU provides substantial humanitarian aid to the Palestinians and supports diplomatic efforts to achieve a peaceful resolution. Countries like Turkey and Iran have their own distinct positions.

Turkey has generally supported the Palestinians and has been critical of Israeli policies, while Iran is a strong supporter of Palestinian resistance groups and is critical of Israel, reflecting its broader regional strategies. Regardless of who wins the most powerful position on the world stage, or whatsoever it is the position taken by other super powers and important countries, Israel is likely to remain unaffected and shielding from any aggressive and kinetic or financial response and will continue to pursue complete annihilation of Palestine population.

We have witnessed the futility of the United Nations and the toothlessness of the International Court of Justice. Resolutions passed by the UN and verdicts issued by the ICJ have been blatantly disregarded by Israel with total impunity, once again making it abundantly clear that without the backing of the United States, UN resolutions and ICJ rulings hold little value or consequence for aggressive parties, such as India in the case of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K), and Israel in the Israel-Palestine conflict in the Middle East.

Meanwhile, Palestinians are left to weigh their chances of survival under either Trump or Harris. Their hopes are rapidly fading in the complete darkness that has engulfed them. With the international community largely silent and the UN and ICJ completely blunted, the beleaguered and helpless Palestinian civilians find themselves with no one to turn to but Allah, the Almighty.

Qamar Bashir

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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