‘Trump’s Achilles’ heel: immigrant voters’

29 Sep, 2024

This is apropos two back-to-back letters to Editor carried by the newspaper on Friday and yesterday. Pennsylvania has a smaller immigrant population compared to some other states, but urban centers like Philadelphia and Pittsburgh have significant Black and Latino communities. A 1-2% gain among immigrants and urban voters could solidify her hold on the state. Immigrant voters, especially from South Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and East Asia, are becoming a politically decisive bloc in key swing states.

Many immigrants view Harris, the daughter of South Asian and Jamaican immigrants, as a symbol of inclusivity and progress, and her candidacy could galvanize these voters, particularly in states like Michigan, Texas, Florida, and Georgia, where immigrant populations are significant. The potential for Harris to increase voter turnout among first-generation immigrants and young voters could be a game-changer in battleground states. Immigrant and minority communities in Michigan, for example, were instrumental in Joe Biden’s 2020 victory, and similar turnout in 2024 could be decisive. Ultimately, if Harris can capitalize on a divided white electorate and the growing political power of immigrant voters, she stands to gain a 2-4% increase in key swing states. This shift could tip the balance in her favor, particularly in states like Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, where narrow margins have defined recent elections.

Qamar Bashir

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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