Technology prevails

10 Oct, 2024

Technology; the strongest resource of our times, is grossly mis-understood in the Islamic World. While technology produces, science consumes resources. It is all about application and commercialization of scientific research to solve real world problems. Scientific work is reviewed by peers while market acceptability is the test of technology.

In short, it’s a journey from romance to finance. Fortunately for me I had the opportunity of conducting industry-sponsored applied research projects both for my MS and Ph.D. programmes in the US. As a technologist working in Pakistan, it has not been easy. I started with the development of the Semiconductor Industry but finally landed in Coal business to meet the energy needs of the country. As a nation we are out of fuel.

Instead of looking inwards for answers, the import lobby has prevailed. Total energy import bill is over $25 billion, Urea component is $ 200 million, Coal 2.0 billion and LNG 2.6 billion.

All this despite huge reserves of Coal (Thar 175 billion tons). Negative propaganda prevails about the potential of this ’Black Gold ’. It is a low Sulphur deposit (around 1 %), high in moisture (around 40 %), which can be reduced by air drying with minimal cost. Affordable, sustainable energy is the way forward. With application of 21st century ’Clean Coal Technologies ’ the energy needs can be met.

In real estate the three primary strengths are ‘Location, location and location’, whereas for meaningful development, it is ‘Technology, technology and technology’, which has been unfortunately ignored in the land of the pure.

Currently, the world is drawn in a conflict where technology prevails. Lack of understanding, handling or application has been disastrous. With a push of a button all pagers in Beirut exploded; it was termed ‘Cyber Attack’ unheard of in the annals of military history.

In case of armaments, self-reliance plays a key role. In Iran after the Islamic revolution of 1979, spares were held back by the US manufacturers; as a result of which, the entire Iranian Air Force was grounded due to non-availability of even small parts. A massive programme of self-reliance was launched using local know-how and resources.

Focus was on product-driven research. Universities were ramped up. With embargo by the West, students were sent to Japan for higher education and training. Young, trained leadership emerged in all areas that are now at the helm.

It is the only power in the Middle East that can look at Israel and its backers in the eye because of its technological advancements. As Iran has pursued an independent foreign policy, they came close to India which is now hurting them. India is openly supporting Israel in return for its support in Kashmir; finally, there is parting of ways as interests have clashed.

In the USA, technologies are developed/available for most applications. Large-scale manufacturing is done only with commercial viability by the private sector. In case of disruption of parts, it has the capability to produce the required parts locally to keep the armaments functional.

In the UK recently, the government stepped in to take control of a specialized Gallium-Arsenide (GaAs) Semiconductor facility as vital electronic components were required for high-tech parts used in advanced weaponry. Being a security state, Pakistan has invested heavily in the Defence Production sector.

Product-driven research has produced results (fighter jets, tanks, nuclear devices, precision missile systems, etc). Unlike the USA, commercialization of these technologies has not taken place.

The framework for transfer of technology from the public to the private sector does not exist which is needed urgently. NASA (National Aerospace & Space Agency) has developed a Super-Sonic commercial plane to replace the ill-fated Concord. The entire project will be transferred to the private sector for manufacturing under licencing arrangements.

Unfortunately, in Pakistan, S&T (Science & Technology) is under the control of scientists and bureaucrats with hardly any inputs of technologists who can steer the development as they understand commercial discipline. During my tenure as Chairman Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF), I was often blamed for industrial application of research while the focus of most researchers was on publishing papers instead of building real products.

With technology there are challenges which must be understood and managed. Without technological advancement there is no future in a world driven by technology.

Several organizations were created for this purpose, which have not been effective so far mainly because of lack of understanding at the top. COMSTECH (Commission for Science &Technology) was formed to foster research and co-ordination amongst Islamic countries.

COMSATS (Commission for Science & Technology for South-South Co-operation). Recently another organization (SITECH) has been created for commercialization of products under the control of SPD (Special Projects Division).

Commercialization and application of technology remains a challenge for most Islamic countries while China has advanced by becoming the manufacturer of the world. Their Belt & Road initiative will ensure global market access of their products while the Islamic World remains a buyer. Understanding/developing of technology is the best way forward.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

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