President urges nation to forge unity to face challenges

27 Oct, 2012

President Asif Ali Zardari asks the nation to work united for the progress and prosperity of the country with adopting the true spirit of sacrifice, brotherhood, religious tolerance and renouncing the hatred and prejudice. "We should remember on this auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Azha, the sacrifices of the people rendered in the war against terrorism to defend the country," said the President in his message on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha being celebrated in the country on Saturday.
The President said the country today is facing the challenges of terrorism, extremism, sectarianism and target killing and there is a need to inculcate unity, brotherhood, will for sacrifice, religious tolerance and high qualities to face these challenges. He said on the blessed occasion of Eid-ul-Azha: "I want to congratulate my countrymen; and pray for their security and safety and for their happiness and prosperity."
The President said: "Eid-ul-Azha reminds us of the great sacrifice, completely following the orders of Almighty Allah, and unprecedented acceptance of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Ismail (AS) that has established such an everlasting example of submission to the will of God."
He said Eid-ul-Azha is being observed to remember the sacrifices of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Ismail (AS), who established a rare example of following the will of God and sacrifice and it has been made compulsory for the Muslims till the Day of judgement.
The President said the sacrifice inculcates spirit of giving everything in the name of Allah to seek His blessing. He said sacrificing animals to follow the Sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) is in fact a pledge to give any sort of sacrifice and it has become a base to follow the fear of God that is real aim of living.
He said: "On this auspicious day we pledge that we will prefer obeying the commands of God over the dearest and nearest worldly belongings and will not hesitate to render any sacrifice in order to please Him." President Zardari further said: "I pray to Almighty Allah that He protect us and give Pakistan peace, tranquillity, progress and prosperity."
The President said: "We should also remember in our Eid celebrations all those brothers and sisters, who are suffering due to natural calamities and living a life without basic needs of life." He said: "May Allah give us the strength to include the real spirit of sacrifice in our daily lives."

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